Brennan’s ‘Fusion Center’ Fable Is Coverup For ‘THE HAMMER’ Surveillance System Brennan And Clapper Used To Spy On Trump; Coup Went Into Overdrive March 17, 2017
By Alan Jones and Mary Fanning | October 27, 2019
There is a conspiracy underway deep within the Washington D.C. intelligence and law...
Flynn Case: Was It THE HAMMER? Judge Sullivan Oversaw Case Of Pagliano, IT Expert Who Set Up Hillary’s Private Email Server; Judge Gleeson Protected HSBC From Criminal Prosecution While...
By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | June 12, 2020
The Justice Department and the FBI knew by 2017 that there was no Trump Russian...
Secret FISA Court Finding Concludes FBI Used Secret Foreign Surveillance Tool To Spy On Americans, Wall Street Journal Reports
By Alan Jones and Mary Fanning | October 8, 2019
Ten days after Assistant U.S. Attorney Deborah A. Curtis abruptly stepped down from...
So Whose ‘Product’ Is It? Exploring The Origin Of The Flynn-Kislyak Wiretap: Was It THE HAMMER?
By Alan Jones and Mary Fanning | May 23, 2020
Acting Director of Intelligence Richard Grenell, replying to a tweet from The Federalist’s Mollie Hemmingway...
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid: Biden 2020 Senior Adviser Anita Dunn’s Favorite Philosopher: China’s Communist Homicidal Maniac Chairman Mao Zedong Who Killed 80 Million Of His Own People
By Alan Jones and Mary Fanning | June 24, 2020
Of course Joe Biden hired Anita Dunn to run his campaign.
Anita Dunn, the Senior Strategic...
HAMMERTIME: Baker Buried Whistleblower Montgomery’s Trump Surveillance Evidence Then Suddenly “Remembered” FBI Had It
By Alan Jones and Mary Fanning | May 29, 2019
Former FBI General Counsel James A. Baker is the second current or former senior...
Comey Launched Trump Russia Investigation Day After General Exposed ‘The Hammer’
By Alan Jones and Mary Fanning | May 12, 2019
FBI Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division Peter Strzok and his supposed paramour, FBI...
Unit 999: Iraqi Terror Unit Linked To Oklahoma City Bombing ‘John Doe No. 2,’ Gulftainer, And Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar, Saddam Hussein’s Nuclear Mastermind With Ties To Bin Laden
By Alan Jones and Mary Fanning | May 14, 2020
Gulftainer, the Middle-Eastern ports company managing two strategic U.S. seaports — Florida’s Port Canaveral and...
Montgomery, ‘THE HAMMER’ Surveillance System Whistleblower, Became The Deep State’s Enemy Number One After Exposing The Truth
By Alan Jones and Mary Fanning | May 22, 2019
Remember, do not kill a mockingbird. When a whistleblower is singing for America’s protection, we...
Obama Exposed: There Were No FISA Warrants, There Was No Incidental Surveillance, There Was The Hammer — The Persecution Of General Flynn
By Alan Jones and Mary Fanning | May 15, 2020
For years, Sally Yates and James Clapper were acutely aware that the Obama administration was...