By Alan Jones and Mary Fanning | July 8, 2018
At an April 30 news conference at Israel’s Ministry of Defense headquarters in Tel Aviv, Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu unveiled Iran’s spherical, miniaturized nuclear weapon design, an implosion device strikingly similar to “Beach Ball,” the ‘soccer ball’ weapon of mass destruction (WMD) masterpiece of rogue Iraqi nuclear physicist Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar.
Spherical nuclear implosion devices such as Dr. Jafar’s “Beach Ball” are powerful nuclear bombs compact enough to be mounted on missiles.

Netanyahu’s AMAD Project Presentation Showcased Iran’s Nuclear Implosion Device

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s announcement constituted a breathtaking intelligence coup that not only doomed the Obama administration’s nefarious Iran nuclear deal by proving that Iranian officials repeatedly lied when claiming that Iran did not possess a nuclear weapons program, but also revealed another stunning fact: Iran was building a spherical nuclear implosion device remarkably similar to Iraqi nuclear physicist Dr. Jafar’s signature achievement — “Beach Ball.”
Mossad’s “Mission Impossible” Operation Proves Iran Lied About its Nuclear Program, Developed Spherical Nuclear Implosion Device
Israeli Mossad intelligence operatives discovered that Iran secretly moved its AMAD Project file archives to an inconspicuous Tehran warehouse.
In a risky operation that could have come straight out of a “Mission Impossible” movie, Mossad agents captured “half a ton” of AMAD Project documents, optical discs, photos, and videos from safes inside that warehouse, right under the noses of Iranian security services.
Iranian nuclear scientists were hiding detailed designs for a nuclear implosion device and were secretly building and testing components of the spherical WMD.
Iranian exile group the National Council of Resistance to Iran (NCIR) claimed that Iran was developing nuclear weapons at the same time the Obama administration was negotiating the Iran nuclear deal the Washington Post reported in March 2015.
In 2002 NCIR “exposed the existence of two nuclear-related plants, one in Natanz for uranium enrichment and a heavy water reactor near Arak” the Washington Post noted.
In 2003, the year Dr. Jafar escaped Iraq as Operation Iraqi Freedom began and one year after NCIR blew the lid off of Iran’s nuclear program, senior Iranian officials became even more secretive and sophisticated in their concealment techniques. The AMAD Project was purportedly “shut down.” The same Iranian nuclear scientists later continued their clandestine work.
Dr. Jafar’s Iraqi “Beach Ball” shares many key design characteristics, not only with the Iranian orb-shaped nuclear weapon, but also with the spherical nuclear device with which Kim Jong-un posed in photos first seen in February 2017 on North Korean television.

A 2017 Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies report says Iranian and North Korean scientists collaborated on miniaturizing a nuclear implosion device.
North Korean scientists also collaborated with Iraqi WMD experts. The isolated communist regime planned to build a factory near Baghdad to produce Rodong missiles capable of delivering Dr. Jafar’s nuclear “Beach Ball.” According to The New York Times the North Koreans pulled out of the Iraq missile factory project because things was getting “too hot” as America prepared to take military action against Saddam’s brutal regime in 2003.
Iraqi WMD-Linked Jafar Family, Gulftainer, and Obama Administration Officials Ambushed U.S. National Security: The Secretly-Negotiated “Project Pelican” Port Canaveral Deal Placed Gulftainer Inside the Wire
In 2014, Florida’s Port Canaveral granted a 35-year cargo container terminal lease to Gulftainer in a secretly-negotiated deal code-named “Project Pelican.” Obama administration officials approved the Gulftainer-Port Canaveral deal through the illegal bypassing of the mandated Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) National Security Threat Analysis. That national security review includes input from 17 intelligence agencies and is required under the Foreign Investment National Security Act of 2007 (FINSA). Congress enacted FINSA following the 2006 Dubai Ports World debacle.
Port Canaveral and Gulftainer officials signed the Project Pelican deal on June 23, 2014, the same day date that they unveiled it through a surprise announcement that Gulftainer and Port Canaveral made only three months after Dr. Jafar’s nephew, Gulftainer executive Badr Jafar, visited the Obama White House on March 27, 2014, according to White House visitor logs.
The American people were ambushed. The Gulftainer-Port Canaveral deal was essentially an enemy incursion by sea.
The Iraqi Jafar family, with its history of collaboration with the brutal Saddam Hussein regime, has begun to acquire dangerous access to U.S. seaports. Any past, present, or future military adversary could not have imagined that it would be such clear sailing to infiltrate the United States of America.
Such a maritime incursion provides many strategic and tactical options and is antithetical to everything the U.S. military academies teach from ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu’s timeless classic The Art of War. Great nations have defended their seaports for millennia. Those that fail to defend their ports, do so at their own peril.
Gulftainer’s access to the United States and her ports is the Trojan Horse story of the 21st century.
At the 2018 Palmetto Panel Conference at Clemson University, Clare Lopez, a 20 year career operations officer with the Central Intelligence Agency and former FBI Academy trainer who serves currently as the Vice President for Research and Analysis at the Center for Security Policy, gave a live presentation entitled “What is Gulftainer and Why Should We Care.” Gulftainer is “more immediately critical than Uranium One” and “immediately, right now, a national security threat” Lopez said.
Gulftainer’s Second US Beachhead: Delaware’s Port of Wilmington; Ports in Oakland, Jacksonville, and Houston May Be Next
The notorious Iraqi Jafar brothers, Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar and Hamid Dhia Jafar, worked in concert to build and fund Saddam Hussein’s extensive nuclear, chemical, and biological WMD programs. Hamid Jafar is Chairman of The Crescent Group and co-owner of the container and ports management company Gulftainer, a subsidiary of The Crescent Group.
It is as if the Obama administration had searched the globe for the most dangerous WMD actors on the planet and placed them next to the crown jewel of America’s space program and her future — The Kennedy Space Center. The resulting national security breach is no different than if the Obama Administration had turned over Port Canaveral to North Korea’s Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un or Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei.
The Obama administration placed known nuclear terrorists inside the wire at Port Canaveral with a 35-year lease. Unless stopped soon, they will take control of Delaware’s entire Port of Wilmington through a 50-year lease.
The Obama administration, using U.S. tax dollars through a federal Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant, made infrastructure improvements at the Port of Wilmington ahead of the Gulftainer deal.
Gulftainer has signaled that Ports in Oakland, CA, Houston, TX and, for the second time, Jacksonville, FL are on the table as the company expands further in the United States. Gulftainer’s global footprint expanded exponentially under the Obama administration.
Rep. Duncan Hunter: “If You Want to Get a Weapon of Mass Destruction into the US…You’re Gonna Use a Cargo Container”
Frank Gaffney, Founder and President of the Center for Security Policy and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Forces and Arms Control Policy under President Reagan, interviewed Rep. Duncan D. Hunter (R-CA) on the April 26, 2018 broadcast of Secure Freedom Radio. Rep. Hunter, a U.S. Marine Corps Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran who serves as Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation, stated:
“If you want to get a weapon of mass destruction into the U.S., you’re not going to walk it across the border with Mexico on your back in a giant backpack. You’re not going land with it in LAX and say here’s my weapon of mass destruction. You’re gonna use a cargo container. That’s how the bad guys will get a weapon of mass destruction into the U.S. next — is through some kind of shipping container. One of the easiest ways to have that happen is by this Gulftainer deal.”
In 2014, Rep. Hunter asked the Obama administration to conduct a CFIUS national security review of Gulftainer’s Port Canaveral deal. The Obama administration declined.
In April 2018, Rep. Hunter sent a letter to President Trump requesting that a hold be placed on Gulftainer’s Port of Wilmington deal until a full CFIUS national security review of Gulftainer’s U.S. port deals is completed.
Hamid Dhia Jafar’s “Oil-For-Superweapons” Scheme
The U.S. Treasury Department and three House congressional committees (Foreign Affairs, Banking, and Ways and Means) investigated oil magnate Hamid Jafar and Crescent Petroleum for plotting with the Iraqi military in a financial scheme known as “Oil for Superweapons.” The objective of that secret operation was to fund Saddam’s and Dr. Jafar’s massive WMD programs.
The Pentagon considered Iraqi Deputy Defense Minister Dr. Jafar, Saddam’s WMD mastermind and master spy who stole many nuclear secrets from the United States, so dangerous that the Pentagon placed him on the U.S. CENTCOM “BLACKLIST.” By placing him on the BLACKLIST, the U.S. government designated Dr. Jafar as an enemy combatant and legitimate military target wanted by coalition forces for capture or kill.
The Jafar brothers’ smooth sailing, from Dr. Jafars’ capture or kill status on CENTCOM BLACKLIST hit list to an Obama award of critical U.S. military infrastructure is a breathtaking national security lapse — what could possibly go wrong?
Dr. Jafar Designated his “Beach Ball” Nuclear Design the “Arab Bomb”

Beach Ball is the “Arab Bomb” that Dr. Jafar designed and that Saddam Hussein desperately wanted. “Beach Ball” was Dr. Jafar’s and Saddam’s pet project. Both men believed that “Beach Ball” was the shortest path to the respect and apocalyptic power that Saddam craved, power that both Saddam and Dr. Jafar felt was long overdue and would finally restore the pride of Iraq and the wider pan-Arab world.
Saddam would push a scale mockup of “Beach Ball” “back and forth across the ice-blue carpet of his trailer home” British journalists Shyam Bhatia and Daniel McGrory wrote in their book “Brighter than the Baghdad Sun: Saddam Hussein’s Nuclear threat to the United States.”
“The Missing Five Blueprints for a Nuclear Warhead”
Dr. Jafar later surrendered to U.S. military forces outside of Iraq and was subjected to extensive interrogation. Dr. Jafar was “debriefed by C.I.A. and British intelligence agents. There were some twenty meetings, involving as many as fifteen American and British experts” Seymour Hersh reported.
Those officials wanted to know the “whereabouts of the missing five blueprints for a nuclear warhead, as well as the explosive lenses and other vital components of a nuclear bomb,” Shyam Bhatia reported in 2003.
Dr. Jafar, according to multiple accounts, attempted to outwit his interrogators by surreptitiously turning the tables on them. Hans Blix, head of U.N. weapons inspections in Iraq, reported that Dr. Jafar repeatedly tried to garner classified information from the Western interrogation team rather than give up any of his own Iraqi WMD secrets.
Beyond “Beach Ball”: Gulftainer’s Iraqi Jafar Family Related to Persian Royalty
The Jafar brothers’ bloodlines reportedly tie them to Persian royalty,
According to late American attorney Northcutt Ely, Hamid Jafar’s Shiite family is one-time Persian royalty — part of the family that ruled over Persia from 1785-1925. Hamid’s mother was the granddaughter of Ahmad Shah Qajar, the last ruling member of the Turkic Qajar Dynasty. Hamid‘s father was supposedly the “fortieth in direct line of Succession from the Prophet.”
Ely traveled to Tehran with Hamid Jafar, whom he considered his “Arab son.”
“Whatever doubts anyone had about Hamid’s reception in Iran were quickly dispelled. He was treated by the Iranians with the deference due to a descendant of the Prophet, to be addressed as ‘Sayed’, more or less equivalent to knighthood” Ely wrote.
The connections between the Jafar brothers and Iran are not limited to the Jafars’ exiled royal family or to Iran’s miniaturized nuclear implosion “soccer ball.”
In 2014, Hamid Jafar’s Crescent Petroleum scrubbed its company website. Crescent executives tried to hide the existence of Crescent Petroleum’s Tehran office, located on Africa Expressway. Crescent Petroleum’s Tehran branch was managed by former Iranian oil ministry official Hamid Zaheri.
Siamak Namazi: Crescent Petroleum Executive Tied to Iran Nuclear Deal and NIAC

Crescent Petroleum also employed another former Iranian regime official.
Hamid Jafar employed former Iranian army officer and Iranian regime housing official: Siamak Namazi. Namazi’s official position was Crescent Petroleum’s Director of Strategic Planning. In 2012, Namazi attended the World Ports and Trade Summit in Abu Dhabi, UAE alongside Gulftainer executives.
Namazi is the Iranian-American who, together with Iranian-Swedish national Trita Parsi, launched the Iranian regime’s Washington lobbying apparatus, the National Iranian American Council (NIAC).
According to official records, “NIAC President Parsi,” a power player in the Obama administration’s controversial Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal, “visited the White House 33 times between 2013 and 2016” Tablet Magazine reported.
Parsi was “spotted in Switzerland engaging in conversation with the Ayatollah’s delegation” Breitbart reported in March 2015.

Parsi regularly received talking points from Namazi, according to emails obtained under court-order in a slander lawsuit. Namazi and Parsi shared those talking points with retired U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine William Green Miller.
During the 2008 presidential campaign, Ambassador Miller, according to Michael Ledeen, acted as then-Senator Barack Obama’s back channel to the Iranian mullahs, promising the Islamic regime a better deal than the Bush administration was offering. This appears to be a violation of the Logan Act in that Barack Obama was a candidate and not president-elect at the time, and therefore prohibited from conducting foreign diplomacy on behalf of the United States.
Former Crescent Petroleum Director of Strategic Planning Siamak Namazi was arrested in Iran shortly after the Iran nuclear deal was concluded in July 2015, where he remains today, beyond the reach of the FBI.
Trita Parsi was working with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, who negotiated the Iran nuclear deal with John Kerry and the Obama administration. “Zarif and NIAC’s collaboration was part of Iran’s large-scale media and PR campaign to influence public opinion in the West and counter U.S. and international pressure and consequently, to help Iran continue its nuclear program” Tablet Magazine explained.
Iraqi Jafar Brothers and Gulftainer Connected to Russia, Club-K Container Missile System
In 2010, Gulftainer entered into a joint venture with the Russian state-owned weapons conglomerate ROSTEC. ROSTEC wholly owns Russian weapons exporter ROSOBORONEXPORT.
ROSOBORONEXPORT exports the Trojan Horse Club-K Container Missile System.
FOR FURTHER READING: Russia’s Trojan Horse: The Club-K cruise missile Doomsday Box
Club-K units are advanced weapons systems, yet they look identical to standard 40-foot intermodal cargo containers, making them difficult to detect among the millions of cargo containers entering America through U.S. seaports every year.
America’s adversaries can move Club-K units undetected aboard trains, semi-trucks, and riverine boats, quietly prepositioning these advanced Russian cruise missile launch systems into every hamlet in America.
Dr. Joseph King, former Chief of the National Security Section at the Department of Homeland Security’s New York City office, in an exclusive interview, explained that federal agents open and physically inspect only one-tenth of one percent of cargo containers entering the United States.
The Club-K Container Missile System launches Russian Kalibr cruise missiles capable of delivering biological, chemical, conventional, EMP and nuclear payloads. Adversaries can detonate Club-K units via satellite.
FOR FURTHER READING: Gulftainer, Club-K, EMP, and Russia’s Pearl Harbor 2.0 Asymmetrical War Plans
When People Say They Want To Kill You, Believe Them: Chilling Iranian Propaganda Video Features Soccer Ball, Nuclear Reactor, Sinking of US Navy Fleet

In a chilling 2016 Iranian propaganda video, a boy is seen playing soccer on a beach beside a nuclear reactor. The boy chases a soccer ball into the ocean where he witnesses the accidental shoot-down of Iran Air Flight 655 by the USS Vincennes. As the US Navy fleet approaches, the boy throws the soccer ball into the ocean where the viewer sees the USS Vincennes and the entire US Naval fleet sunk and destroyed. The video ends with an Iranian leader holding the soccer ball while standing in front of a nuclear reactor.

United States Army Chief of Staff General Mark A. Milley, during an October 4, 2016 speech (VIDEO), warned that “history teaches us to be careful. It’s always wise to believe foreign leaders’ declaratory policy, especially when it’s as threatening as these are, as most nations tend to telegraph their strategic intentions.”
A Fair Warning
The enemy is inside the wire.
The confluence of former President Barack Hussein Obama’s actions, Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu’s load of damning evidence, the nuclear Beach Ball, the Iran nuclear deal, NIAC, the Iraqi Jafars, Gulftainer with its illegal ports deals, and Iran’s “soccer ball” propaganda video, should resonate.
When people tell you they want to kill you, believe them.
If we are to keep America secure and to remain a sovereign nation, we must control our own ports. If we fail to control our ports, we cannot direct our own destiny.
Copyright 2018 Alan Jones and Mary Fanning. All rights reserved.