By Alan Jones and Mary Fanning | October 27, 2019

There is a conspiracy underway deep within the Washington D.C. intelligence and law enforcement establishments. The cabal of conspirators have much to fear as they continue to work in concert to undertake a coup d’etat against the duly elected President Donald J. Trump.
U.S. Attorney John Durham is reportedly very interested in interviewing President Obama’s former intelligence chiefs, ex-CIA Director John Brennan and one-time Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.
Attorney General William Barr tasked Durham with leading the Trump administration’s investigation into the origins of the hoax Trump Russian collusion investigation.
Attorney General Barr announced on October 25, 2019, that U.S Attorney Durham’s investigation of the DOJ / FBI Russian Collusion investigation is now a criminal inquiry.
The move to upgrade U.S. Attorney Durham’s “investigation of the investigators” to a criminal inquiry is a game changer.
Durham can now subpoena evidence including documents, subpoena witness testimony, impanel a grand jury, and file criminal charges.
Durham has a compelling reason to request interviews with Brennan and Clapper:
In 2015, CIA/FBI/NSA/DOD contractor-turned whistleblower Dennis Montgomery provided the FBI with 47 computer hard drives of illicitly-harvested domestic surveillance data and classified testimony that, according to Montgomery, proves Brennan and Clapper illegally commandeered the foreign surveillance tool known as “THE HAMMER.”
Brennan and Clapper, Montgomery contends, used “THE HAMMER” to conduct unlawful domestic surveillance on President Obama’s political enemies for the purpose of “blackmail” and “leverage”.
Brennan and Clapper, according to Montgomery’s claims, turned America into a police state by applying the same communist surveillance and blackmail tactics that the KGB and the Stasi employed for “state security” purposes in the Soviet Union and East Germany. “State security” was a Stasi euphemism for spying on the citizenry.
David Childs wrote in The Fall of the GDR, “SED [East German Communist Party] functionaries used to joke cynically that …‘Trust is good, but surveillance is better.”
By commandeering “THE HAMMER” for domestic surveillance, President Obama, Brennan, and Clapper built a Soviet-style Total Surveillance State modeled after East Germany’s Stasi, but with exponentially greater technical capability for total control of the people through Leninist Red Terror and fear tactics.
Brennan and Clapper utilized “THE HAMMER” to illegally wiretap U.S. Army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn (Ret.) and Donald Trump, according to Montgomery.
The leaders of the coup, Barack Obama, John Brennan, and James Comey, have all professed their allegiance to Marxism and Communism at various points in their lives.
Barr and Durham recently traveled to Rome, Italy, where Durham reportedly retrieved two Blackberry smartphones that were previously used by Joseph Mifsud. Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation portrayed Mifsud as a Russian agent. Mifsud is actually an FBI asset.
BlackBerry phones feature an instant messaging system called BlackBerry Messenger that accords users a private communication system via PIN to PIN messaging. Typically, that system when using WiFi, can be hacked.
However, according to Dennis Montgomery, when the BlackBerry phones are used on “THE HAMMER” platform they are a closed secret network that is encrypted and secure and cannot be penetrated.
It is of interest that Mifsud, Hillary, Comey, President Obama and others were using BlackBerry phones.
It is also of interest that Hillary Clinton was buying used BlackBerry phones off of eBay that would not be tracked back as government-issued BlackBerrys.
How many others inside the Crossfire Hurricane operation were plotting the coup d’etat while also using non-government issued BlackBerry phones?
Brennan Concocted Trump-Russia Intelligence “Fusion Center” Narrative As A Cover Story Because Brennan And Clapper Had Illegally Commandeered “THE HAMMER” For Illegal Domestic Surveillance And For Wiretapping Trump, In Violation Of The CIA’s Charter
On August 17, 2018, on MSNBC, where John Brennan is a national security and intelligence analyst, Brennan told Rachel Maddow “we put together a Fusion Center at CIA that brought NSA and FBI officers together with CIA to make sure that those proverbial dots would be connected.”
Yet, those intelligence agencies are separate and have unique charters for good reason.
Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery has a different, and far more disturbing, version of events that contradict John Brennan’s “Fusion Center” fable.
On February 3, 2009, Brennan and Clapper commandeered the powerful foreign surveillance tool known as “THE HAMMER” and turned it against America for the purpose of “blackmail” and “leverage.”
Brennan and Clapper took “THE HAMMER,” the Montgomery-designed-and-built supercomputer system that had previously served as a foreign surveillance tool and that was once located at eTreppid Technologies in Reno and later at Blixware in Washington state, and relocated it on February 3, 2009 to a CIA facility in Fort Washington, Maryland.
At the Fort Washington Facility, Brennan and Clapper transformed “THE HAMMER” into a domestic surveillance tool and began targeting President Obama’s political enemies.
Brennan’s fabricated “Fusion Center” cover story will likely fall apart just as the Trump Russian Collusion hoax fell apart, like a house of cards.
Military sources told The American Report that “THE HAMMER” features multiple echelons of safeguards and sign-offs to prevent intelligence personnel, up to and including the President of the United States, from using the system for unlawful domestic surveillance.
Brennan and Clapper bypassed those safeguards, setting up an even more powerful HAMMER system in Fort Washington and illegally re-purposed the foreign surveillance tool for domestic surveillance, turning America into a Stasi-style police state.
Robert Mueller’s FBI provided the computers for “THE HAMMER,” according to Montgomery.

Government contractor Montgomery designed and built “THE HAMMER” foreign surveillance tool after 9/11 to protect America from foreign threats during the War on Terror. According to military sources, Montgomery’s “Hammer” saved American lives.
Montgomery came forward as a whistleblower after witnessing Brennan and Clapper illegally surveilling “all of America,” according to Montgomery.”
The CIA’s charter specifically prohibits the agency from spying inside the United States.
Brennan’s CIA/FBI/NSA “fusion center” tale sounds like a thinly-veiled attempt to circumvent the domestic surveillance prohibitions of the CIA’s charter by piggybacking the CIA’s charter onto the charters of the FBI and the NSA.
Brennan’s scheme will not fly. Many intelligence officials who adhere to the rule of law are aware of Brennan’s crimes.
According to Michael Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell, several former officials who were involved in the CIA /FBI Crossfire Hurricane operation are in ongoing talks with Justice Department officials.
The conspiracy to overthrow America went into overdrive on March 17, 2017.
The conspirators stole the keys to the kingdom by commandeering “THE HAMMER.” They turned the foreign surveillance tool “THE HAMMER” against the American people in an effort to destroy America.
From Fort Washington, Brennan and Clapper spied on President Obama’s political enemies, including many high profile individuals, most notably U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, onetime head of the FISA court Judge Reggie Walton, 156 Article III Judges, Members of Congress, Rudy Giuliani, U.S. Army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn (Ret.), and, most particularly, Donald Trump.
The Whistleblower Tapes,” audio recordings, released by U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow, revealed that President Obama’s intelligence officials John Brennan and James Clapper, for whom Montgomery was working, used Montgomery’s spy technology “THE HAMMER” to conduct unlawful domestic surveillance and to illegally wiretap Donald Trump “a zillion times.”
Montgomery: Mueller Supplied Computers For “THE HAMMER” Surveillance System And Ordered Illegal FBI Raid of Montgomery’s Home
Robert Mueller’s FBI not only provided the computers for “THE HAMMER, but also ordered an illegal FBI raid of Montgomery’s home and storage facility. Mueller’s FBI agents tied Montgomery to a tree, according to court documents.
U.S. Magistrate Judge Valerie Cooke excoriated the FBI for using falsified affidavits to obtain search warrants for Montgomery’s premises and ordered the FBI to return Montgomery’s illegally seized property.
FBI Director Robert Mueller later became the Special Counsel in charge of the hoax Trump Russian Collusion investigation.
Montgomery stated, in reference to “THE HAMMER”:
This is very, very, very powerful technology, and it was created under Robert Mueller’s watch. The last person I would think that should be investigating Donald Trump is Robert Mueller, who was collecting information on Donald Trump ten years ago … Mueller has a huge conflict of interest, a huge conflict of interest.
Robert Mueller is a long-time friend and colleague, and perhaps collaborator, of former FBI Director James Comey.
Mueller, according to Montgomery, was particularly interested in utilizing “THE HAMMER” to find out “who knew what” about the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on New York City and Washington D.C.
FBI Director Mueller was in charge of the FBI’s investigation of the 9/11 terror attacks.
Donald Trump, as a builder of skyscrapers, took a specific interest in the collapse of the twin towers.
Trump and Mueller already had a fractious relationship before Robert Mueller became the Special Counsel in charge of the hoax Trump Russian Collusion investigation.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Deborah Curtis Offered Montgomery Limited Immunity In Exchange For 47 Hard Drives Of Illegally-Harvested Surveillance Data That Montgomery Claims Contain Proof That Brennan And Clapper Wiretapped General Flynn and Donald Trump; Curtis Then Joined Special Counsel Mueller’s Team And Became Lead Prosecutor On General Michael Flynn’s Case Before Abruptly Leaving The Flynn Prosecution And The DOJ
Most of the officials involved in Montgomery’s whistleblower case ended up on Mueller’s Special Counsel team and related cases such as the DOJ’s case against General Michael Flynn.
In August 2015, Assistant US Attorney Deborah Curtis, in coordination with FBI General Counsel James Baker, granted Montgomery limited immunity in exchange for turning over to Comey’s FBI 47 computer hard drives of illicitly-collected domestic surveillance data.
James Baker is suspected of leaking the discredited Steele dossier to Mother Jones reporter David Corn.
Baker was also part of the “small group” that plotted the take-down of General Flynn and President Trump.
Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Representative Mark Meadows (R-NC) of the House Oversight Committee wrote a January 15, 2019 letter to U.S. Attorney John Durham that reveals that Baker’s attorney Daniel Levin stated that Baker is the subject of an ongoing criminal leak investigation being conducted by Durham.
Baker later joined the Brookings Institution and its affiliate Lawfare, which acts as the political arm of the FBI and the intelligence community.
The hard drives that Montgomery provided to the FBI and DOJ contained 600 million documents of illegally harvested material as well as Predator drone videos of high profile events in Iraq that came from Nellis Air Force Base.
Montgomery asserts the hard drives have information that not only proves Brennan and Clapper wiretapped General Flynn but also provides proof that the DOJ conducted illegal prosecutions of President Obama’s political enemies.
Redacted text messages released by the DOJ revealed that FBI Counterespionage Section Chief Peter Strzok and his supposed mistress FBI attorney Lisa Page, who worked closely with Comey and Baker, were aware of Montgomery’s whistleblower case, although the exact details and level of their involvement in Montgomery’s case remains unclear.
General Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell alleges that Lisa Page, in an attempt to frame General Flynn, altered the FBI 302 report summarizing the FBI’s ambush-interview of General Flynn, conducted on January 24, 2017 by Strzok and another FBI agent, believed to be Joseph Pientka.

Curtis, alongside FBI Special Agents Walter Giardina and William Barnett, debriefed Montgomery inside a secure SCIF at the FBI Washington DC Field Office for three and one half hours while being videotaped on December 3, 2015.
The FBI debriefed Montgomery after the bureau verified the data on the 47 decrypted hard drives. The 600 million documents stored on the 47 hard drives, when placed one upon the other, stood a stunning 30 miles high.
It remains unclear if FBI Director Comey destroyed the 47 hard drives, hid them in his personal safe at home, or properly logged them as evidence at FBI headquarters.
Curtis, according to Montgomery, declined to take possession of some of the evidence Montgomery presented after Curtis determined it was “above her pay grade.”
On September 27, 2019, Curtis abruptly vacated her position as lead prosecutor on the Michael Flynn case and, on the same day, left the Justice Department after decades of employment.
The DOJ quietly announced the departure of Curtis via an update to the Flynn case docket only hours after The American Report revealed that Curtis was withholding exculpatory evidence from Flynn’s defense team.
Dennis Montgomery made the assertion that Brennan and Clapper wiretapped Flynn with “THE HAMMER,” information that exposed a clear conflict of interest among the DOJ attorneys prosecuting General Flynn, including Deborah Curtis.
It remains unclear why Curtis suddenly left the DOJ. No public statement has been forthcoming to reveal the exact reason for Curtis’ sudden departure from the Department of Justice and the Flynn prosecution team.
Curtis was replaced as lead prosecutor on the Flynn case by U.S. Attorney Jessie Liu, another alumni of Mueller’s Special Counsel Hoax Russian Collusion investigation team.
Liu also prosecuted Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Security Director James Wolfe, who was suspected of leaking classified material to Ali Watkins, a reporter for BuzzFeed News and the New York Times. Wolfe got off with an astonishingly light sentence after pleading guilty to lying to the FBI.
Montgomery Asserts That He Provided Information To Senate Intelligence Committee Security Officer James Wolfe, Who Later Was At The Center Of A DOJ Investigation Into Leaked FISA Warrant Application And Was Handed A Two Month Prison Sentence For Lying To The FBI
Montgomery provided information about his whistleblower claims concerning illegal domestic surveillance to Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Security Officer James Wolfe on five separate occasions, Montgomery asserts.
Wolfe was later indicted and sentenced for making false statements to the FBI.
Wolfe was suspected of leaking classified information to his supposed mistress Ali Watkins, a reporter for BuzzFeed News and the New York Times, but the government never charged Wolfe with leaking classified information. Wolfe was sentenced to a brief two months in prison. Wolfe was released from prison in April of 2019
Watkins used her position as a reporter to dump leaked information about General Flynn and Carter Page that together planted the seeds for the hoax Trump Russian collusion narrative.
On March 15, 2017, BuzzFeed News published an article, authored by Ali Watkins, revealing that the FBI, according to a source, was investigating General Flynn as late as December 2016.
On March 17, 2017, the FBI’s classified Carter Page FISA warrant application was delivered to Wolfe at the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Wolfe is suspected of immediately leaking the Carter Page FISA warrant application to Watkins, on the very same day, March 17, 2017.
On April 3, 2017, BuzzFeed News published a report authored by Watkins revealing that Carter Page “passed documents to a Russian intelligence operative in New York City in 2013.”
It turns out that Carter Page, a former naval officer, was a long-time information source for the State Department, CIA, and FBI.
“I had a long standing relationship with the CIA going back decades, essentially,” Page told Maria Bartiromo on her Fox News program Sunday Morning Futures.
As the Crossfire Hurricane Operation created by the FBI and CIA raged in an attempt to destroy Donald Trump’s presidency, stealing significant blocks of the president’s time in office, why didn’t Carter Page come clean years earlier about his decades-long relationship with the CIA?
Ali Watkins played a key role in the Trump Russian collusion hoax by painting Carter Page as a Russian agent embedded in the Trump team.
Carter Page was actually nothing more than a volunteer on the Trump campaign.
As the Main Stream Media screamed Russia Russia Russia in their wall to wall coverage claiming that President Trump was a Russian asset, the controlled opposition also chased their collective tail for almost three years during the Mueller hoax investigation that cost the taxpayers an astronomical $45 million.
The entire Trump Russia Collusion narrative was a lousy smear operation intended to taint President Trump and destroy his presidency. However, in actuality, the unclean hands of the FBI and the CIA were exposed, perhaps forever tarnishing and devastating those agencies.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Curtis Withheld Exculpatory Evidence About Montgomery From Michael Flynn’s Defense Team; Flynn’s Attorney Powell Filed Sealed Motion
General Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell stated during an October 22, 2019 appearance on Fox Business Channel’s Lou Dobbs Tonight:
We just filed a brief today that we had to file under seal that’s significant. It’s very significant.
But we cited Protective Order materials in it so we are waiting for the government now to agree to limited redactions so that it can be publicly filed.
But yes, Brennan and Clapper are involved in all of it and I think John Durham is going to make that clear.
President Obama’s top intelligence official James Clapper purportedly told Washington Post reporter David Ignatius on January 10, 2017 “words to the effect of ‘take the kill shot on Flynn’” after Ignatius reportedly obtained a transcript of a phone call between U.S. Army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn (Ret) and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, according to General Flynn’s defense attorney Sidney Powell.

On October 22, 2019, Sean Hannity interviewed Powell and asked for an update on General Flynn’s case.
What is the status of General Flynn’s case because I know that you have been asking that all of this evidence under Brady be handed over because you believe they have exculpatory evidence they are withholding from you?
Oh definitely. We have found even more evidence that we know they have withheld. We have filed a brief just as of noon today that is quite revealing. It’s very powerful and I think it’s going to make a huge difference.
Judge Sullivan can see exactly what’s been going on from this. I think he’ll have every grounds he needs to either go ahead and dismiss the case for egregious government misconduct right now or, at the very least, give us a significant amount of Brady information that the government has long been hiding. There’s even a valid basis to hold the prosecutors in contempt of court for ignoring his very clear Brady order. We’ve caught them in some significant, outrageous violations.
Right now the brief is under seal. We’ve forwarded it to the government for their agreement to redact certain things that are still subject to a Protective Order, but we’re hoping to resolve that before the end of the day today because it is quite stunning.
Judge Sullivan can see exactly what’s been going on from this. I think he’ll have every grounds he needs to either go ahead and dismiss the case for egregious government misconduct right now or, at the very least, give us a significant amount of Brady information that the government has long been hiding. There’s even a valid basis to hold the prosecutors in contempt of court for ignoring his very clear Brady order. We’ve caught them in some significant, outrageous violations.
Right now the brief is under seal. We’ve forwarded it to the government for their agreement to redact certain things that are still subject to a Protective Order, but we’re hoping to resolve that before the end of the day today because it is quite stunning.
Powell’s brief has now been released, revealing that Lisa Page manipulated the 302 record of the FBI’s ambush-interview of General Michael Flynn, that Clapper told Washington Post reporter David Ignatius to “take the kill shot” on Flynn, and that senior FBI officials jointly plotted to take down Flynn.

Powell was well versed on the criminal over reach of the Justice Department, having written her book Licensed to Lie about a similar scheme where a corrupt DOJ illegally prosecuted Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) just before the 2008 election.
The theft of Ted Stevens’ Senate seat was enough to push through the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare, where the government took possession of Americans’ healthcare records and healthcare system according to the Wall Street Journal.
The following timeline of events exposes the intentions of the CIA, FBI and the Deep State in their efforts to bring down President Trump and cover up their illegal use of “THE HAMMER” against their political enemies.
Their combined efforts reached a fevered pitch on March 17, 2017.
March 4, 2017: President Trump, Via Twitter, Accused President Obama Of Wiretapping Him At Trump Tower
On March 4, 2017, President Trump, via Twitter, accused President Obama of wiretapping Trump at Trump Tower.
“Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!” President Trump tweeted.

March 4, 2017: The American Report Sends Tweet To President Trump To Alert POTUS About Whistleblower Tapes and Brennan and Clapper’s Use Of “THE HAMMER” To Illegally Wiretap Donald Trump
Several hours later on the morning of March 4, 2017, The American Report sent a tweet to President Trump to alert the Commander in Chief that John Brennan and James Clapper wiretapped Trump “a zillion times” according to CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery and audio tapes released by a federal judge and now known as “The Whistleblower Tapes.”

March 5, 2017: House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Adam Schiff Issues Statement Calling Trump’s Wiretapping Accusation A “Baseless Claim”
On March 5, 2017, the day after President Trump via Twitter accused President Obama of wiretapping Trump at Trump Tower, Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA), Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), issued a statement in a HPSCI press release titled “Intel Committee Ranking Member Schiff Responds to White House Request to Investigate President’s Baseless Claims.”

Representative Schiff’s March 5, 2017 statement read:
Today, it became all the more clear that President Trump’s claim that he was illegally wire-tapped [sic] by President Obama was based on little more than Breitbart or other conspiracy-based news. For a President of the United States to make such an incendiary charge — and one that discredits our democracy in the eyes of the world — is as destructive as it was baseless. For a President who similarly claimed that millions of undocumented immigrants voted illegally costing him the popular vote, and that his predecessor wasn’t born in the United States, these new allegations follow a familiar if deeply disturbing pattern of distraction, distortion and downright fabrication. Sean Spicer today tweeted that the Administration would have no further comment until this matter was investigated and who can blame him: not even Spicer wishes to have to speak to such a [sic] unsubstantiated charge.
This week, I spoke publicly about my concern that Director Comey refused to answer the questions many of our committee members asked about matters germane to our investigation. If the Administration truly believes that President Obama illegally eavesdropped on the Trump campaign and wants our committee to investigate the matter, they should join my call on Director Comey to answer any question put to him that is pertinent to the Russia investigation.
March 7, 2017: WikiLeaks CIA Vault 7 Confirms Existence of HAMR, AKA “THE HAMMER”

On March 7, 2017, WikiLeaks released CIA Vault 7, a cache of classified CIA documents containing information about the spy agency’s hacking tools. Vault 7 included references to a CIA hacking tool called HAMR (“pronounced Hammer”). A former high level official confirmed to The American Report that the HAMR application referenced in CIA Vault 7 almost certainly is the same program that Dennis Montgomery developed and that was revealed in “The Whistleblower Tapes.”
According to Montgomery, “THE HAMMER” is the supercomputer system while “HAMR” is an exploit that works off of “THE HAMMER” supercomputer framework.
March 15, 2017: House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA): “We don’t have any evidence that that took place. I don’t think there was an actual tap of Trump Tower.”
On March 15, 2017, Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA) stated, “We don’t have any evidence that that took place. I don’t think there was an actual tap of Trump Tower.”
Was Representative Nunes parsing his language?
“THE HAMMER” surveillance supercomputer system does not require actual wiretaps, which references the 1950s FBI “technical surveillance” method of manually connecting wires to phone lines. Surveillance technology has evolved into the 21st century.
Representative Nunes surely understands that “wiretap” is a colloquial reference to a variety of surveillance methods ranging from computer hacking of communications networks and devices, to hacking exploits, to the tapping of upstream fiber optic lines.
Montgomery had already offered to provide Representative Nunes with evidence that Montgomery asserts proves that Obama administration officials Brennan and Clapper conducted illegal surveillance of Donald Trump.
Dennis Montgomery, during a May 2017 radio interview with his then-attorney Larry Klayman, reacted with exasperation to Representative Nunes’ brush-off of President Trump’s wiretapping accusation:
I provided to the FBI seventeen businesses of Donald Trump, including the Trump Tower, the Trump leasing programs, all of these different programs, and including Trump himself and the various family members that had been wiretapped under these programs. There has been a wiretap on Trump for years…
I was a CIA contractor both under John Brennan and under James Clapper and these individuals were running domestic programs in the United States collecting information on Americans…they collected everything they could find. Bank accounts, phone numbers, chats, emails, and they collected a massive amount of it under the Obama administration…
…Representative Nunes came out recently saying that there was no credible evidence that Trump Tower had been wiretapped but I find that amazing considering I had both contacted Representative Nunes and said I would be more than willing to supply you information proving that they had and that there is so much mass surveillance that has been taking place. I mean, there has been a wiretap on Trump for years!
March 15, 2017: FBI Director James Comey Briefs Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Senator Chuck Grassley And Ranking Member Senator Diane Feinstein About The Russia Investigation, The FBIs Reliance On The Steele Dossier, And The FBI’s Carter Page FISA Warrant Applications
On March 15, 2017, FBI Director Comey briefed the Senate Judiciary Committee’s top two leaders, Chairman Senator Chuck Grassley and Ranking Member Senator Diane Feinstein.
The Grassley Memo states:
In response to the Committee’s inquiries, the Chairman [Grassley] and Ranking Member [Feinstein] received a briefing on March 15, 2017, from then-Director James B. Comey, Jr. That briefing addressed the Russia investigation, the FBI’s relationship with Mr. Steele, and the FBI’s reliance on Mr. Steele’s dossier in two applications it filed for surveillance under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).
According to Montgomery, U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth approached Senator Grassley in an attempt to bring Montgomery forward as a whistleblower regarding Brennan and Clapper’s use of “THE HAMMER” for illegal domestic surveillance.
Senator Grassley showed no interest in bringing Montgomery’s whistleblower claims before the Senate Judiciary Committee, according to Montgomery. Yet, Grassley expresses no confidence that the Deep State won’t “deep six” DOJ Inspector General Horowitz’s FISA report.

March 15, 2017: Reporter Ali Watkins, Supposed Mistress Of Senate Intelligence Committee Security Officer James Wolfe, Pens BuzzFeed News Report Claiming FBI Was Investigating General Michael Flynn As Recently As December 2016
Ali Watkins, the supposed mistress of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) Security Officer James Wolfe, authored the March 15, 2017 BuzzFeed News report titled “Former Top Trump Aide Mike Flynn Was Investigated By The FBI, Source Says.”
Dennis Montgomery previously provided Wolfe with information between October, 2013 and December 2014 related to his whistleblower claims concerning illegal domestic surveillance, Montgomery says.
Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery provided significant amounts of information to James Wolfe upon direction from John Dickas.
Dickas was a staff member for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence where he served as a policy advisor to Senator Ron Wyden and “developed a multiyear strategy to reform US surveillance laws,” according to his LinkedIn profile.
March 16, 2017: Senate Intelligence Committee Leaders Declared In A Joint Statement That There Were “no indications that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the United States government either before or after Election Day 2016.”
“‘Based on the information available to us, we see no indications that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the United States government either before or after Election Day 2016,” Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) and Vice Chairman Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) said in a joint statement,” USA Today reported on March 16, 2017.
Senators Burr and Warner have subsequently been proven to be “Never-Trumpers.”
March 16, 2017: House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) Confirms “at least so far with respect to our intelligence community — that no such tap existed.”
CNBC reported on March 16, 2017:
House Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday backed key lawmakers’ statements that no evidence supports President Donald Trump’s claim that Trump Tower was wiretapped before the 2016 election.
“The intelligence committees in their continuing, widening ongoing investigation of all things Russia, got to the bottom — at least so far with respect to our intelligence community — that no such wiretap existed,” Ryan told reporters.
Paul Ryan was a long-time acolyte of Jack Kemp, Republican U.S. Representative from New York and 1996 candidate for Vice President of the United States.
Jack Kemp invested in Blixware, a CIA contracting firm Montgomery helped establish. “THE HAMMER” operated out of Blixware before Brennan and Clapper relocated “THE HAMMER” to Fort Washington, Maryland in early 2009, at the onset of President Obama’s first term, Montgomery says.
Paul Ryan was not a neophyte. Kemp was Ryan’s long-term mentor, going back to the 1990s.
Ryan, like his 2012 presidential running mate Mitt Romney, a.k.a. “Pierre Dilecto,” is virulently anti-Trump.
March 17, 2017: The American Report Published “The Whistleblower Tapes” Exclusive Exposé Which Included A SoundCloud Page To Listen To The Whistleblower Tapes
On Friday, March 17, 2017, The American Report published its exclusive exposé “Whistleblower Tapes: Trump Wiretapped “A Zillion Times” By ‘The Hammer,’ Brennan’s and Clapper’s Secret Computer System.”
The article included links to The American Report’s SoundCloud page where readers can listen to “The Whistleblower Tapes.”

Reuters reported on March 17, 2017:
The U.S. Justice Department on Friday said it delivered documents to congressional committees responding to their request for information that could shed light on President Donald Trump’s claims that former President Barack Obama ordered U.S. agencies to spy on him.
The information was sent to the House and Senate intelligence and judiciary committees, said Sarah Isgur Flores, a Justice Department spokeswoman.
The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Republican Devin Nunes, said in a statement late on Friday that the Justice Department had “fully complied” with the panel’s request.
A government source, who requested anonymity when discussing sensitive information, said an initial examination of the material turned over by the Justice Department indicates that it contains no evidence to confirm Trump’s claims that the Obama administration had wiretapped him or the Trump Tower in New York.
March 17, 2017: House Intelligence Committee Hastily Announced Monday March 20, 2017 Open Hearing Featuring FBI Director James Comey and NSA Director Mike Rogers About Investigation Of Russian Active Measures During The 2016 Election
That’s not all that happened on Friday, March 17, 2017.
The House Intelligence Committee hastily announced that they would be holding an open hearing the following Monday, March 20, 2017, featuring FBI Director James Comey and NSA Director Mike Rogers.
The topic of the hearing was the “Investigation of Russian Active Measures During the 2016 Election”

March 17, 2017: DOJ Gave Classified Briefing To House Intelligence Committee and Ranking Member Adam Schiff About President Trump’s Claim That President Trump Wiretapped Trump At Trump Tower
On the afternoon of March 17, 2017, the same day The American Report published the “Whistleblower Tapes” feature investigation connecting President Trump’s tweet to “THE HAMMER,” the Department of Justice gave a classified briefing to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence about President Trump’s claim that President Obama had wiretapped him.
Almost two weeks had elapsed since President Trump famously accused President Obama of wiretapping him.
Of note, the DOJ briefed the House Intelligence Committee about President Trump’s claims on wiretapping on a Friday afternoon, after most House Members had already left town.
Why, on a Friday afternoon, when most Members of Congress are boarding flights heading back to their districts, is the DOJ briefing the House Intelligence Committee and Ranking Member Adam Schiff about President Trump’s claim that President Obama wiretapped him?
The existence of the March 17, 2017 classified briefing was confirmed on Sunday, March 19, 2017 when Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA), the current Chairman of the powerful House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, was interviewed by Chuck Todd on NBC’s Meet The Press.
You received information on Friday [March 17, 2017] from the Department of Justice about President Trump’s claims on wiretapping. What can you tell us? Were you satisfied with the information they provided?”
Well, I got a classified briefing on their response. They delivered it after most of us had left town. But once again, no evidence to support the President’s claim that he was wiretapped by his predecessor … [Senator Susan Collins (R-ME)] said we have to get to the bottom of this. We are at the bottom. There is nothing at the bottom.
Did Director Comey say that definitively? Tomorrow do you expect?
I expect that he will. I hope we can end this wild goose chase because what the President said was just patently false [emphasis added].
March 17, 2017: Senate Judiciary Committee Receives Carter Page FISA Warrant Application
“On March 17, 2017, the Chairman and Ranking Member were provided copies of the two relavent FISA applications, which requested authority to conduct surveillance on Carter Page” states a January 4, 2018 Senate Judiciary Committee memo to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray, signed by Senator Chuck Grassley and Senator Lindsey Graham.
March 17, 2017: Senate Select Committee On Intelligence Receives October 2016 Carter Page FISA Warrant Application
The DOJ’s briefing to Representative Schiff and the House Intelligence Committee was not the only interesting activity going on on March 17, 2017, during what should have been a sleepy Washington D.C., St. Patrick’s Day Friday afternoon, but appeared to be full panic about Trump’s accusation that President Obama wiretapped Trump.
On March 17, 2017, an unnamed agency delivered the FBI’s classified Carter Page FISA warrant application to Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Security Officer James Wolfe.
The classified document delivered to Wolfe on March 17,2017 contained both secret and top secret information.
March 17, 2017: Senate Intelligence Committee Security Officer Wolfe Suspected Of Leaking Classified Carter Page FISA Warrant Application To BuzzFeed News Reporter Ali Watson

Wolfe is suspected of leaking the Carter FISA warrant application to his purported mistress Ali Watkins, a reporter for BuzzFeed News, on the evening of March 17, 2017.
BuzzFeed News is the media outlet that famously published the discredited hoax Steele dossier.
Wolfe’s indictment reveals that on March 17, 2017, Wolfe exchanged 124 electronic communications with “REPORTER #2,” identified by the New York Times as Ali Watkins.
Wolfe’s indictment inferred that Wolfe provided Watkins with the identity of “MALE-1,” a reference to Carter Page, classified information that Watkins used in an April 3, 2017 BuzzFeed News article to paint former “Trump adviser” Carter Page as a Russian intelligence asset. Watkins’ article is titled “A Former Trump Adviser Met With A Russian Spy.”
The DOJ did not charge Wolfe with leaking classified information, though the document contained both “Secret” and “Top Secret” information about Carter Page.
Oddly, Wolfe’s indictment does not explain how the feds accessed the secure correspondence between Wolfe and the reporters to whom Wolfe was allegedly illegally feeding information. It is believed that Wolfe used Signal, an app that encrypts phone calls and messages.
Wolfe, who served the Senate Intelligence Committee for over three decades, is a former U.S. Army intelligence analyst.
“Mr. Wolfe’s alleged conduct is a betrayal of the extraordinary public trust that had been placed in him,” said Jessie K. Liu, U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia.
The DOJ prosecutor on Wolfe’s case was U.S. Attorney Jessie Liu, who was not only on Mueller’s special counsel, but also is prosecuting Lieutenant General Michael Flynn.
James Wolfe, who served on the committee for 31 years, was charged with lying to investigators about slipping information to three reporters, according to court papers.
Prosecutors claim that Wolfe, 58, was romantically involved with Watkins, 26.
The Wolfe-Watkins narrative appears to be Kabuki Theater in order to introduce Carter Page into the Crossfire Hurricane operation as “Trump’s Russian Agent.”
Carter Page did not reveal, for years, as Crossfire Hurricane raged, that he was a CIA asset. Page admitted on Maria Bartiromo’s Sunday Morning Futures that he had a “long standing relationship with the CIA going back decades.” Carter Page’s admission gives weight to the supposition that he was involved in a disinformation campaign.
Behind the intelligence community’s assessment that Russia was responsible for hacking the DNC servers looms the unsolved murder of Seth Rich. According to NSA whistleblower William Binney, there was no DNC server hack because the DNC emails were transferred onto a physical storage medium. Binney attempted to replicate the “Russian hack” with a team of top hacking experts but was unsuccessful. All of the evidence points to a physical download, not a Russian hack.
The Deep State’s entire hoax Trump Russian Collusion narrative has collapsed.
March 19, 2017: US Navy Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons (Ret.) and US Air Force Lt. General Thomas McInerney (Ret.) Bring To America’s Radio Airwaves Report On The Whistleblower Tapes, Montgomery, and Brennan and Clapper’s Use Of “THE HAMMER” To Illegally Wiretap Donald Trump

By the afternoon of Sunday, March 19, 2017, the Washington D.C. establishment had already been in overdrive for days, desperately attempting to discredit President Trump’s March 4, 2017 accusation on Twitter that President Obama had wiretapped Trump at Trump Tower.
What happened that Sunday afternoon pushed the envelope even further: U.S. Navy Admiral James A. Ace Lyons (Ret.), former Pacific Fleet Commander, and U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney, former number three Air Force official at the Pentagon and a Fox News military analyst, brought the American Report’s March 17, 2017 exclusive exposé “Whistleblower Tapes: Trump Wiretapped “A Zillion Times” By ‘The Hammer,’ Brennan’s and Clapper’s Secret Computer System” to America’s radio airwaves.
General McInerney read the “Whistleblower Tapes” article verbatim during the March 19, 2017 broadcast of “Operation Freedom,” hosted by Dr. Dave Janda on WAAM 1600.
March 19, 2017: Strzok And Page Exchange Text Message Following General McInerney’s Radio Interview, Mention Dennis Montgomery And Decide To “Say Nothing”

Only minutes after General McInerney conclude his Sunday, March 19, 2017 radio interview, FBI Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division Peter Strzok and his supposed paramour, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, exchanged a cryptic, seemingly coded, text message.
Later that same evening, Strzok and Page exchanged a second text message that referenced “the Klayman/Montgomery stuff in the email Jim just sent us,” a clear reference to Dennis Montgomery and Montgomery’s attorney Larry Klayman. It remains unclear who “Jim” is, although it may be a reference to either FBI Director James Comey, FBI General Counsel James Baker, or FBI Chief of Staff James Rybicki.
The Strzok/Page text message concludes with “Best to say nothing a brief later if necessary.”
March 20, 2017: FBI Director Comey Lies To Congress, Claims FBI Has “No Evidence”That President Obama Wiretapped Donald Trump
On the morning of Sunday March 20, 2019, about seventeen hours after General McInerney concluded his radio interview, FBI Director Comey appeared before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Director Comey, I want to begin by attempting to put to rest several claims made by the president about his predecessor, namely that President Obama wiretapped his phones. So that we can be precise, I want to refer you to exactly what the president said and ask you whether there is any truth to it.
First, the president claimed, quote, “Terrible. Just found out that Obama had my wires tapped in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism,” unquote.
Director Comey, was the president’s statement that Obama had his wires tapped in Trump Tower a true statement?
With respect to the president’s tweets about alleged wiretapping directed at him by the prior administration, I have no information that supports those tweets and we have looked carefully inside the FBI. The Department of Justice has asked me to share with you that the answer is the same for the Department of Justice and all its components. The department has no information that supports those tweets [emphasis added].
Montgomery asserts that he turned over to Comey’s office 47 hard drives containing evidence that the Obama administration illegally wiretapped Donald Trump. Montgomery asserts that he also briefed the FBI and DOJ officials about Obama administration surveillance of Trump. Montgomery additionally maintains that Comey buried that evidence.
Based upon Montgomery’s assertions, Director Comey lied to Congress and President Trump’s contention that he was illegally spied upon was exactly correct.
March 20, 2019: FBI Director Comey Announces FBI Conducting Trump Russian Collusion Investigation
During the same open hearing before the House Intelligence Committee, Director Comey announced that the FBI was investigating connections between President Trump and the Kremlin, officially launching the hoax Trump Russian Collusion Investigation.

Both Admiral Lyons and General McInerney were convinced that the Deep State launched the hoax Russian Collusion Investigation in order to cover up the existence of “THE HAMMER” and Brennan and Clapper’s illegal surveillance of Donald Trump.
Brennan launched his “Fusion Center” fable to cover up his outrageous, unconstitutional, Soviet-style surveillance state that he, and Clapper, put in place.
The conspirators, the cabal of traitors from America’s premier law enforcement and intelligence agencies, ran a fraudulent intelligence operation on America in an effort to destroy the nation they swore to serve and protect.
If there are no consequences for the outrageous coup d’etat and the seditious actions taken by the cabal of traitors who were the spawn of the Obama Administration, then the rule of law is dead and the U.S. Constitution has successfully been destroyed.
Both Admiral Lyons and General McInerney were convinced that the Deep State launched the hoax Russian Collusion Investigation in order to cover up the existence of “THE HAMMER” and Brennan and Clapper’s illegal surveillance of Donald Trump.
Brennan launched his “Fusion Center” fable to cover up his outrageous, unconstitutional, Soviet-style surveillance state that he, and Clapper, put in place.
The conspirators, the cabal of traitors from America’s premier law enforcement and intelligence agencies, ran a fraudulent intelligence operation on America in an effort to destroy the nation they swore to serve and protect.
If there are no consequences for the outrageous coup d’etat and the seditious actions taken by the cabal of traitors who were the spawn of the Obama Administration, then the rule of law is dead and the U.S. Constitution has successfully been destroyed.
“I think if there is any integrity left in the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia and the Department of Justice at all, they will themselves move to dismiss this outrageous case against General Flynn before November 7th.” — Attorney Sidney Powell.
The Flynn case should be dismissed but that is only the beginning of the journey to right our ship of state. Investigations, prosecutions and consequences must follow or we have descended onto another communist bloc police state.
In 2009, U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan was extremely troubled when he spoke to the legal community about the need to safeguard the integrity of our criminal justice system … and talked about the government’s “obligation to pursue convictions fairly and in accordance with the Constitution … when the government does not meet its obligation to turn over evidence, the system falters.” Judge Sullivan spoke those words as he excoriated the corrupt prosecutors of Senator Ted Stevens.
Though the egregious actions of the Stevens prosecution team was exposed, no consequences came to those DOJ prosecutors who so abused the rule of law. Since that time the DOJ’s actions have only become more malignant.
The cabal of corrupt government officials involved in the coup d’etat was fully aware of the ramifications of their actions. Many of the traitors were, in fact, attorneys.
Those traitors acted against America knowing full well the consequences for treason and sedition.
Let the rule of law mete out the appropriate punishment and may that punishment place the next cabal of traitors on notice.