By Alan Jones and Mary Fanning | June 5, 2019
For years, the Deep State has waged a disinformation war and smear campaign against software designer and defense contractor Dennis Montgomery because they fear him, Montgomery claims.
If Montgomery’s allegations that the Obama administration conducted illegal domestic surveillance check out, and recent statements from multiple military sources and surveillance experts suggest that they do, then certain individuals, beginning with former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, have good reason to fear Montgomery and clear motive to destroy his reputation in order to save themselves.
Montgomery designed the super surveillance system known as THE HAMMER (HAMR) for foreign surveillance operations conducted to defend the United States from foreign threats.
— By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | COMMUNITIES DIGITAL NEWS —
According to military sources, Montgomery’s foreign surveillance system not only worked, but it also saved American lives.
“Hammer doesn’t exist.” “Montgomery is a fraud.” “Montgomery lost his security clearance.” Those are a few of the phrases floating about, but documentary evidence and well-placed sources suggest that those claims are unfounded.
Military sources confirm that THE HAMMER (HAMR) was only intended for use during foreign surveillance operations. Multiple safeguards were put in place to ensure that the powerful technology of THE HAMMER (HAMR) was never misused for illegal domestic surveillance.
Foreign Surveillance missions using THE HAMMER (HAMR) required sign-offs by “multiple echelons” of federal government, up to and including the FISA court, according to those sources.
The FISA court was established under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978.
THE HAMMER (HAMR) was a highly-secret program.
Despite the existence of multiple built-in safeguards against domestic surveillance, THE HAMMER (HAMR) remained vulnerable to abuse by nefarious officials within the intelligence community who had been entrusted with running the system.
That is exactly what appears to have happened, beginning in 2009, with the arrival of the Obama administration.
Senior Obama administration national security officials, some with communist proclivities, commandeered the United States government’s surveillance tools of war and turned them against the American people, secretly-recorded audio tapes released by a federal judge and Montgomery’s own statements indicate.
Those actions, perhaps never before seen in America, constitute the hallmarks of a totalitarian regime.
Parallel Platform: THE HAMMER (HAMR)
William Binney, who served as NSA Technical Director of the World Geopolitical and Military Analysis Reporting Group before becoming a whistleblower, suggested during a May 25, 2019 interview on the SGT Report that the CIA covertly operated THE HAMMER (HAMR) as a parallel platform to existing NSA surveillance programs in order to bypass established safeguards:
THE HAMMER program, as far as I can see, was run by CIA. And the point was, that the NSA already had their massive collection on everybody anyway. That was called the Stellar Wind program and it had the tapping points for the upstream collection of everything on the fiber networks. Everything. So they didn’t have to do a HAMMER because they already had all of the data.
But, if CIA wanted to do it and have it separately and not be … because … anybody querying the NSA data goes through a system where they get reported. Where queries go right in there and they are registered. They know they made this query on this date and got this data. So NSA’s got that information.
But, if CIA wanted to do it but not let NSA or anybody else in the government know about it, they could set up a separate, secret program like HAMMER and do a subset of tapping in the critical points around Washington and decision-making centers and then take in that data and have it scanned and sessionized and locally examined by members of CIA only so that nobody knew they were doing it.
According to Montgomery, Brennan and Clapper were collecting domestic surveillance data for “blackmail” and “leverage.” Government was being weaponized against the American people.
Using a parallel platform like THE HAMMER (HAMR) would allow Brennan, Clapper, and other bad actors to engage in illegal domestic surveillance without leaving behind a trail of footprints.
According to the Whistleblower Tapes, secretly-recorded audio released by U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow, Brennan and Clapper surveilled 156 Article III judges, Supreme Court judges, including Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, and millions of innocent Americans.
According to the Whistleblower Tapes, Brennan and Clapper used THE HAMMER (HAMR) to wiretap Donald Trump “a zillion times.”
Whistleblower Tapes: Trump Wiretapped “A Zillion Times” By ‘The Hammer,’
Brennan’s and Clapper’s Secret Computer System
— By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | THE AMERICAN REPORT —
On March 4, 2017, President Trump tweeted “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!”

On March 17, 2017, we published our exclusive exposé, “Whistleblower Tapes: Trump Wiretapped “A Zillion Times” By ‘The Hammer,’ Brennan’s and Clapper’s Secret Computer System.”
Two days later, on March 19, 2017, two U.S. military flag officers of sterling reputation, U.S. Air Force Lt. General Thomas McInerney (Ret.) and U.S. Navy Admiral James “Ace” Lyons (Ret.) brought our “Whistleblower Tapes” investigation to America’s airwaves on Dr. Dave Janda’s “Operation Freedom” terrestrial radio program on WAAM 1600.
The Deep State blowback was immediate and fierce, according to Dr. Janda.
By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | The American Report
Officials with access to a parallel platform such as THE HAMMER (HAMR) are able to bypass long-established bureaucratic safeguards of the unmasking request procedures, providing them with to ability to illegally and covertly collect domestic surveillance data.
This level of unbridled technical surveillance capability is beyond anything East Germany’s Stasi or Hitler’s Gestapo secret police could have dreamed up. It is the consummate tool for control of the American people and for the destruction of their constitutionally-protected rights.
According to CIA Vault 7 documents released by WikiLeaks on March 7, 2017, THE HAMMER (HAMR) is a browser exploit throwing framework that infects targeted devices and systems.
“HAMR (pronounced hammer) = throwing framework for browser exploits” a CIA Vault 7 document reveals.

On August 19, 2015, Montgomery turned over the 47 hard drives to Director Comey’s FBI and to FBI General Counsel James Baker at the FBI Miami Field Office in Miramar, Florida.
The FBI provided Montgomery with a detailed itemized receipt for the hard drives.
In August 2015, Assistant U.S. Attorney Deborah Curtis, one of the DOJ’s top national security lawyers, granted Montgomery two limited immunity agreements, one for production and another for testimony.
The FBI examined those hard drives and verified the information stored on them.
In late November and early December of 2015, senior FBI officials, including Director Comey’s “right hand men” Special Agents Walter Giardina and William Barnett, debriefed Montgomery while under oath for over three hours inside a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) at the FBI’s Washington, D.C. Field Office.
U.S. Assistant Attorney Curtis then accorded Montgomery “greater immunity.”
Curtis, Giardina, and Barnett subsequently joined Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Trump Russia collusion investigation team.

— By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | THE AMERICAN REPORT —
According to Montgomery, Robert Mueller’s FBI provided the computers for the super surveillance system known as THE HAMMER (HAMR).
Montgomery says that Mueller’s appointment as special counsel was a “huge conflict of interest.”
Risen, Lichtblau, And The Deep State’s Smear Campaign Against Montgomery
The CIA’s “Operation Mockingbird” supposedly ended decades ago.
But did it?
Meet New York Times reporters James Risen and Eric Lichtblau.
Risen and Lichtblau have an uncanny knack for publishing stories connected to intelligence community surveillance whistleblowers who end up getting their homes raided by dozens of FBI agents.
Risen and Lichtblau authored a February 19, 2011 New York Times article about Montgomery that has been described as a “hit piece.”
Risen and Lichtblau wrote in the New York Times:
For eight years, government officials turned to Dennis Montgomery, a California computer programmer, for eye-popping technology that he said could catch terrorists. Now, federal officials want nothing to do with him and are going to extraordinary lengths to ensure that his dealings with Washington stay secret…
…But others involved in the case say that what the government is trying to avoid is public embarrassment over evidence that Mr. Montgomery bamboozled federal officials.
“While contractor fraud isn’t new, what’s unusual here is that the U.S. isn’t trying to recover those funds or penalize the contractor, Dennis Montgomery” ProPublica pointed out. “Instead, it’s fighting in court to keep information about the technology secret, arguing that the details could compromise national security.”
Further damaging the credibility of their own premise that Montgomery sold hoax technologies to the U.S. government, Risen and Lichtblau admit in their same “hit piece” that no CIA officials were ever reprimanded for awarding Dennis Montgomery with lucrative defense contracts, and were instead promoted:
The C.I.A. never did an assessment to determine how a ruse had turned into a full-blown international incident, officials said, nor was anyone held accountable. In fact, agency officials who oversaw the technology directorate — including Donald Kerr, who helped persuade George J. Tenet, then the director of central intelligence, that the software was credible — were promoted, former officials said. “Nobody was blamed,” a former C.I.A. official said. “They acted like it never happened.”
Because Montgomery had signed nondisclosure agreement with the U.S. government concerning his work on classified projects, and because DNI Negroponte invoked the state secrets privilege against Montgomery in 2006, Montgomery was unable to defend himself against accusations made in the New York Times article authored by James Risen and Eric Lichtblau.
“Montgomery claims that the FBI violated his Fourth Amendment rights when its agents raided his home, tied him to a tree, threatened him and his family, and searched and seized his property without probable cause or a warrant” according to a 2018 lawsuit Montgomery filed against James Comey and others.

— By Alan Jones and Mary Fanning | 1776 CHANNEL —
Not only was Robert Mueller the FBI Director when, according to Montgomery, the FBI provided computers for the HAMMER (HAMR) super surveillance system for which Montgomery had developed the software, Mueller was also the FBI Director when FBI agents raided Montgomery’s home in 2007.
NSA whistleblower J. Kurt Wiebe told PBS television program Frontline in 2013:
But I never dreamt that that announcement would lead to the FBI coming to my front door on July 26, 2007, let alone the front door of Bill Binney, Ed Loomis and Diane Roark, all four of our homes being raided at exactly the same moment by a dozen or more agents at each of our homes, purportedly due, based on the affidavit we eventually saw, to some connection with [New York Times reporters] Eric Lichtblau and James Risen and this article. When we knew all along the NSA could have looked at our phone calls and our emails, etc., and seen that I never — I didn’t know who James Risen was, I really didn’t, or Eric Lichtblau for that matter. None of us did.
Just as the Deep State co-opted the media to paint President Trump as a Russian agent, the Deep State also co-opted the media to paint Dennis Montgomery as scam artist who tried to bilk millions of dollars from the federal government by selling the CIA and other agencies hoax technology that did nothing to protect America.
Again, military sources tell a different story. They claim that Montgomery’s technology worked and saved American lives.
The cabal that has been working feverishly to destroy President Trump is comprised of several of the same bad actors who have worked relentlessly to destroy Dennis Montgomery.
James Risen:
Went after Montgomery with Lichtblau, pushed the Trump Russia collusion hoax.
Eric Lichtblau:
Went after Montgomery with Risen, tried to frame from Trump transition team while at CNN.
Robert Mueller:
Supplied surveillance computers, raided Montgomery’s home, led Trump Russia collusion investigation.
James Comey:
Buried Montgomery whistleblower investigation and 47 hard drives of surveillance evidence, lied to Congress by claiming FBI had no evidence Obama surveilled Trump, opened Trump Russia investigation.
James Baker:
Buried Montgomery whistleblower investigation and 47 hard drives of surveillance evidence.
John Brennan:
Established and ran THE HAMMER (HAMR) as a private, parallel platform with Clapper and, according to Montgomery, wiretapped Trump; claimed Trump was a Russian agent.
James Clapper:
Established and ran THE HAMMER (HAMR) as a private, parallel platform with Brennan, and, according to Montgomery, wiretapped Trump, called Trump a “recruited asset” of Vladimir Putin.
Barack Obama:
Clapper told CNN that “If it weren’t for President Obama, we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set off a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, notably, special counsel Mueller’s investigation.”
Lichtblau resigned in disgrace from CNN in June 2017 following CNN’s retraction of a discredited hit piece that attempted to connect the Trump transition team to a Russian investment fund.
The real story that is emerging is far darker.
Montgomery’s foreign surveillance technology was so effective that the Obama administration decided to use it against the American people by creating a private, parallel platform, where safeguards did not exist.
Bringing Light To Darkness
When Montgomery dared to blow the whistle, and as he claims, “bring light to darkness,” Montgomery affirms that the Obama administration and its lackeys decided to go after him.
With Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation now formally closed, Dennis Montgomery and THE HAMMER (HAMR) may soon become household names.
At the center of this brewing storm are allegations by Montgomery that President Obama’s intelligence chiefs Brennan and Clapper oversaw an illegal domestic surveillance program that surveilled Donald Trump.
The Obama administration’s illegal surveillance of Trump gave birth to the Trump Russia Collusion hoax. The FBI launched the Trump Russia investigation as a cover-up operation following the exposure of the Obama administration’s illegal utilization of “THE HAMMER (HAMR).
— By Alan Jones and Mary Fanning | 1776 CHANNEL —
President Trump has tasked Attorney General William Barr with getting to the bottom of the origins of the Russia collusion investigation. Attorney General Barr, in turn, has designated U.S. Attorney John Durham to lead that investigation.
Perhaps sensing the coming storm clouds forming over Washington D.C., Brennan and Clapper are already pointing fingers at each other.
Former FBI General Counsel James Baker has already changed his story.
We exclusively reported on May 29, 2019, that on October 3, 2018, Baker amended his testimony before members of the U.S. House of Representative after suddenly “remembering” that Montgomery’s attorney Larry Klayman had approached the FBI about Montgomery and the digital storage media Montgomery possessed.
We reported:
Former FBI General Counsel James A. Baker is the second current or former senior FBI official to have misled Congress about the FBI’s receipt of evidence from CIA/NSA whistleblower Dennis Montgomery that Montgomery maintains proves that President Obama’s intelligence chiefs, CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, illegally surveilled Donald Trump with “THE HAMMER” (HAMR) super-surveillance system.
Former FBI counsel Baker, who was interviewed by a joint committee of the U.S. House of Representatives just weeks before the 2018 midterm election, stated during day one of his interview, conducted on October 3, 2018, that the FBI and the DOJ did not “infiltrate or surveil” the Trump campaign for “political purposes.”
Baker simultaneously denied on day one that Obama administration officials made “demands or requests” of the FBI and the DOJ to “infiltrate or surveil” the Trump campaign.
At the beginning of Baker’s day two testimony, conducted on October 18, 2018, Baker interrupted Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) stating he wanted to amend the record of his day one testimony, thereby sidestepping a potential perjury charge.
Between day one of his interview two weeks earlier and day two, Baker suddenly “remembered” that U.S. government contractor Dennis Montgomery had turned over to the FBI evidence in 2015 in the form of digital storage devices that, Montgomery asserted, proved that the U.S. government had engaged in unlawful surveillance of Americans and including government officials.
Baker told U.S. representatives on October 18, 2018:
So his [Klayman’s] client was an individual named Dennis Montgomery, who I believe, to the best of my recollection, he said that he had been a U.S. Government contractor and, in the course of that work, had come across evidence of unlawful surveillance by the government of Americans — and including government officials — and wanted to give that information to the Bureau, which eventually did take place.
— By Alan Jones and Mary Fanning | 1776 CHANNEL —
Baker’s testimony is the first known instance of an FBI going on the record to admit that Dennis Montgomery gave the FBI evidence that Montgomery says proves that the U.S. government illegally surveilled the American people and government officials.
The Deep State is running a counterintelligence operation against whistleblower Dennis Montgomery. They are smearing him with a disinformation campaign. They know that Montgomery is legally silenced and gagged under the State Secrets Privilege. They know that if Montgomery speaks out he will be charged under the Espionage Act and imprisoned for life.
When Montgomery met with Senior Judge Royce C. Lamberth, U.S. District Judge for the District of Columbia, Judge Lamberth, based on his previous case work on the FISA court, immediately recognized some of the information contained in the sealed documents Montgomery had brought into his chambers and presented, according to Montgomery.
According to his official biography, Judge Lamberth was the presiding judge of the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) from May 19, 1995 until May 19, 2003, a period of time that included the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
Lamberth told National Public Radio in 2013. “I’ve had the opportunity to work on everything under the sun — terrorist cases, spy cases — you know, just a great variety of really interesting things to do,” Lamberth told NPR.
In other words, Judge Lamberth’s national security credentials are unmatched within the judicial branch of the U.S. government. And Lamberth took Montgomery’s whistleblower claims seriously, immediately affording Montgomery whistleblower protection.
“No way to get that information. Ended any doubt of me right then” Montgomery says.
Whistleblower Montgomery Has Held Security Clearances Since 2004, And States That He Continues To Hold Them
Montgomery asserts that he maintains a Top Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI) security clearance and that he was read into certain need-to-know Special Access Programs (SAPs).
The U.S. government granted Dennis Montgomery a top secret security (TS) clearance in 2004 while Montgomery was a U.S. government contractor at Etreppid Technologies.
In 2005, the U.S. government granted Montgomery a sensitive compartmented information (SCI) clearance. At that time Montgomery was still a U.S. government contractor at Etreppid Technologies.
Montgomery further maintains that he passed two polygraph examinations, one administered by the CIA and the other by the DOJ.
Montgomery points out that he would not have been allowed inside the Fort Washington Facility where he worked for Brennan and Clapper or inside the FBI headquarters Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) without those clearances.
Montgomery asserts that he would never have been allowed inside the FBI’s SCIF in 2015 if he did not still hold that security clearance in 2015.
Montgomery states that, as of 2019, he continues to hold a security clearance.
Silenced And Legally Gagged: Director Of National Intelligence John Negroponte Invoked The State Secrets Privilege Against Montgomery In 2006
One of the first intelligence community officials to successfully silence Montgomery was one of Clapper’s predecessors, Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte.
On September 19, 2006, Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte invoked the state secrets privilege (SSP) against all parties in two related federal court cases, Dennis Montgomery, plaintiff vs. Etreppid Technologies, defendant, and Etreppid Technologies, plaintiff, vs. Dennis Montgomery, defendant.
On September 25, 2006, the U.S. Department of Justice upheld DNI Negroponte’s assertion of the state secrets privilege against Montgomery and all other parties to involved in the two cases.
James Clapper was nominated by President Barack Obama as DNI in 2010.
The Obama administration upheld the state secrets privilege (SSP) invoked against Montgomery, Montgomery states.
In late 2009, senior DOJ attorney Carlotta Wells told Montgomery that if the state secrets privilege is invoked to hide crimes by U.S. government officials, the state secrets privilege is considered invalid.
The U.S. government has yet to release Montgomery from the state secrets privilege despite numerous requests, Montgomery states.
Montgomery also states that the IRS has audited him every year since 2005.
The information contained in the Whistleblower Tapes makes one’s blood run cold.
The mere existence of a secret parallel surveillance platform like THE HAMMER (HAMR) is an ominous sign that America is further down the road to tyranny than anyone imagined.