By Alan Jones | February 10, 2015
(1776 Channel) NBC White House correspondent Savannah Guthrie, the only journalist on the planet proclaiming to have seen a paper copy of Barack Obama’s long-form Hawaii birth certificate and to have ‘touched and felt the raised seal’, has emerged as the top choice to replace embattled NBC News anchor Brian Williams, according to the Drudge Report.
Guthrie made that statement during the April 27, 2011 broadcast of NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams. The title of the segment is Obama birth certificate—signed, sealed, delivered (Click to watch video).
Guthrie also uploaded to social media website UberSocial two images she claims are photographs she took at the White House of a paper copy of President Obama’s long-form Hawaii birth certificate.

Guthrie’s assurances to NBC News viewers and to the American public that the PDF document posted on the White House website is backed up by two certified paper copies delivered to the White House flies in the face of the digital forensic findings of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s ‘Cold Case Posse’ investigators in Maricopa County, Arizona.
If the ‘Cold Case Posse’ releases additional findings concerning the Obama birth certificate, a development that has been anticipated for nearly a year, NBC News would likely face a credibility crises far more severe than the Brian Williams fiasco.
Guthrie could also potentially face criminal conspiracy charges if it were determined by investigators that she knowingly presented a forged Hawaii state document to NBC viewers and informed them it was real, possibly for the purpose of protecting the Obama Administration.
Guthrie, Williams and NBC News risk becoming the poster children of the corporate media’s utter failure to challenge the White House’s claims to possess a legal birth document for President Obama, despite dubious statements by Hawaii officials, one of whom perished in a bizarre plane crash.
Reed Hayes, a document examiner who has served as expert witness for Seattle law firm Perkins Coie, the very same firm that flew an attorney from Honolulu to Washington D.C. to personally deliver two paper copies to the White House (allegedly examined by Guthrie), states that Obama’s birth certificate is “entirely fabricated”.
Cold Case Posse Lead Investigator Lt. Mike Zullo spoke with 1776 Channel in an exclusive interview today about the White House PDF scan and Savannah Guthrie’s claims.
Reed Hayes has a distinguished background as a document examiner. He has done work in document examination for Perkins Coie. Mr. Reed has concluded that the image presented by the White House is “entirely fabricated”.
We have no evidence of a raised seal being displayed on that document that Savannah Guthrie supposedly felt. We don’t know what she felt. No evidence that we can determine shows alterations to that paper body indicating a raised seal. Their work flow is a scan of the document. Upon examination there is no evidence of raised seal. We have seen examples of other Hawaii documents with raised seals clearly displayed. According to former White House attorney Bob Bauer, Obama never even handled it, but Savannah Guthrie did. – Cold Case Posse Lead Investigator Lt. Mike Zullo

Reed has reportedly signed an affidavit for the Cold Case Posse. The Reed affidavit presents a legal conundrum for President Obama’s attorneys and the White House. Robert Bauer was a partner at Perkins Coei before becoming White House Counsel.
“We have obtained an affidavit from a certified document analyzer, Reed Hayes, that states the document is a 100 percent forgery, no doubt about it” Zullo told World Tribune in 2013.
“Mr. Obama’s operatives cannot discredit him…Mr. Hayes has been used as the firm’s reliable expert. The very firm the President is using to defend him on the birth certificate case has used Mr. Hayes in their cases.” Zullo told World Tribune. “In addition, Mr. Hayes is a Democrat whose business is based in Hawaii. He cannot easily be accused of having a political axe to grind in this matter” wrote World Tribune.
During a sit-down interview with Brian Williams, President Obama famously stated “I can’t spend all my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead.”
Savannah Guthrie recently interviewed President Obama in the White House Mess, where they sipped beer as part of NBC’s Super Bowl XLIX pregame coverage. The following morning the NBC Today Show aired Guthrie’s full length interview with President Obama.
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[…] Following Gallups’s introduction, the focus of discussion became then-NBC White House reporter Savannah Guthrie’s claim that on the day the “long-form” image was released and paper documents containing it purportedly distributed to the press, she held “touched and felt the raised seal” on the paper and took “pics” which she then posted on social media. […]
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[…] had previously told Alan Jones of 1776channel that the posse’s investigation had found no raised seal on the […]
” “TXE” anomaly.. is therefore actually evidence of authenticity rather than forgery.”
What a lie! It is evidence of nothing other than a forgery using an authentic image of a signature stamp. You do not even need a real stamp in the digital age since an image of it will suffice. So the rubber-stamp image of a signature is not even a real rubber-stamped image but merely a digital overlay. Thus it is double invalid and uncertified. And the absence of a HDoH seal completes the picture of fraud. An extreeeeeeeeemely faint embossed ring is NOT a genuine State Seal impression. If you cannot discern the imagery of an embossed impression then that is because one is lacking and in its place is an embossing from an old and discarded worthless embossing stamp that had been over-used for years.
And addition lie is this one: “Only computers should be expected to have perfect alignment and spacing. Mechanical manual typewriters never achieved anything close.”
Just the opposite. The only way that computers produce perfect alignment is if entire lines are replaced with digital lettering. Any cut and pasted jop has only the alignment of the human hand that pasted the text imagery into a fake document. And typewriters produce nearly flawlessly consistent alignment, BECAUSE THEY ARE MECHANICAL and replicate every movement perfectly -unless one is typing 100 + words per minute or so. Only then does perfect consistency suffer. But speed typing can’t be done and would not be done on a birth certificate because of the many boxes and advances needed to place the carriage in the right position. Also, great care needs to be taken in order to NOT make any mistake on a permanent life-long vital record.
“Number 9: The draft registration form has been declared absolutely authentic on more than one occasion by the only legal authority of the planet qualified to so declare.”
Oh? But that authority is so non-authoritative and biased that you can’t even bring yourself to name it. Let me guess, an Obama hire? A democrat big government, Big Brother unionist? Listen bonehead, no person on earth can certify that pathetic, tiny, super-low-resolution piece of crap, but anyone with eyes and a brain can de-certify it based simply on the fact that it’s numerals are a pair turned upside down with the old bottoms cut off. I have graphically debunked that amateur piece of garbage and the damning results can be seen a obamabc.wordpress.com
“It was also released directly to birthers from the Selective Service during the Bush administration.” Gee Wally, I didn’t know that when Bush was President only republicans were allowed to work for the Federal government. Ignorant me.” Explain why the resolution is so low that if printed it would appear smaller than the size of a playing card? It could be, and probably is, that all ancient scans of those cards, done in the early digital low-resolution age, are similar, but even it that were true, nothing can verify that a fake digital record was not inserted into the digital data-base, and then withdrawn and shared. Who has investigated the digital record and determined its age and date of creation? Well, of course no one.
“Number 10: While they are rare, several other examples of two digit postage cancellation stamps on authentic documents and letters have been found and published. They can therefore not be considered evidence of forgery.”
And with that, perfect proof is supplied that you are a rotten liar. Why? Because you know without any shadow of a doubt that all two-digit year stamps are all centered in the center of the stamp, and not off to the side with a blank space where the two removed century digits go.
“Number 11: Nobody named “Harrison Bounel” has ever existed. The SSA has testified in court that nobody named “Harrison Bounel” has ever been issued an SSN.”
I guess you want to hide from the fact that he was found in the 1940 Census records. It’s awfully dumb to go out on that limb and then have it break on you.
“SSA has testified…” Ha-ha-ha-ha! You’re a comedian now! “Barack Obama has testified that “if you like your doctor, insurance, rates, then you can keep them!” Lois Lerner has testified…??? Oops! That Obama flying monkey actual refused to testify. “Bill Clinton has testified….I never had sex with that women…” ha ha ha ha! Brian Williams testified…. Can’t you just hear the peels of laughter echoing down the hallways?
“You appear to have an encyclopedic knowledge of birther memes. Too bad you do not also have the critical thinking skills necessary to determine whether or not they are actually true.”
Not exactly accurate. He lacks the knowledge to know if they are true, and the thinking skills needed to understand that he does not have enough information to form solid, unchangeable opinions.
And he probably lacks sufficient time devoted to the subject, which, as in my case, would have taught him that at least half of your “corrections” are fully accurate. There is a lot of misinformation and disinformation.
Incisive article, Alan. Great job. Also interesting is the phony “birth certificate” discovery story in the Mark Halperin book Double Down. Yeah, The One found something that might have been it in a garage sale box of his late mother’s in the Chicago attic. Then didn’t produce that one at the presser, but another. Or, rather, an image of another. I mean, really… http://www.today.com/books/double-down-how-obama-beat-birthers-2012-8C11511690
It is clearly the hospital issued certificate which, as everyone knows, is not a legal document. It is a souvenir.
Zoom in on the image of Savannah Guthrie’s photo. There is clearly a raised seal.
It’s visible on the White House PDF as well.
Alan, my information is that Obama did not ask for two copies of the long form, but two copies of his (CLB) certificate of live birth. I remember seeing a copy of his letter to the HDOH. Here is a link.
Regardless, thanks for this site and information.
You are mistaken. Here is the correspondence:
You will note that the President’s lawyer specifically asks for “two certified copies of his original ‘long form’ birth certificate.”
Obama asked for two copies of the counterfeit CLB. On its face it is fraudulent because “African” is not a race of people. Now, ask yourself this very simple question, “How could I find out how many times the word African was used in the “race box?” Simple, look at all the CLB’s in front of and behind the fraudulent CLB for black and negro under “race” and investigators have the answer. On top of that there were checks on these documents before they were recorded. African was not used for race and still is not used as race correctly.
There are too many layers, the green safety paper is misaligned, there are too many different typewriter fonts, his dads age is incorrect if that really is his dad, in the administrators box which is from a stamp has TXE instead of THE and many words were “painted” onto the document. Further, there are other anomalies that are being held until fraud charges are filed. Investigators know the document was uploaded to the White House website about 30 minutes prior to publication from an Apple computer.
The typewriter galleys, something the forger didn’t know anything about are all out of sink as letters stray from copy and paste to copy and paste. Typewriters operate under mechanical rule, computers do not and it is clear to see this document was created by copying and pasting typewritten information with some artwork pixel painted in. There are problems with gray scale, different fonts and there is different DPI between certain layers. The CLB like the draft registration card is garbage and poorly forged. All this has been documented by numerous Adobe, typewriter, and graphic artist experts.
This is how Dan Rather was busted on the fake news regarding President Bush. A bad typewriter forgery.
The draft registration card is an entirely different kind of forgery. For one, you would want to be in Hawaii if you were to fill out the form and not in Calif. You would want it to have a four digit date stamp like the cards from the same post office days before and days after Obama forged his. You would want your own social security number on the document and not the one belonging to Harrison Bounel. You would want the DLN (document location number) to be from the latest edition and he nailed that because the DLN was for May 2007. “Woops”, “he said he signed his card in 1980!” and gets a thank you card from the Selective service System in 2007? The DLN number should have been from the 1980 or previous DLN but the forger knew a little bit about that because he added a number, incorrectly to make the document “appear” as the correct DLN but failed that test.
These documents are manufactured and are trash.
First off, I’ll just point out that rather than admit that your previous post was objectively wrong, you have instead tried to bury your mistake under a nearly 500 word school of red herring. Okay. Let’s count the new falsehoods you have added to your resume. Your claim about the President’s request was Number 1.
Number 2: “African” IS “a race of people,” and has been one for at least 2000 years since Livy wrote about “the African Race” in his his History of Rome. But more directly, according to the 1962 Kenya Census Enumeration Instructions the races for blacks were to be listed as “African” and whites as “European.” You may remember that Obama Sr. was Kenyan, and that Hawaii (like most other states) allows parents to self identify their races on birth certificates. He would never have identified himself as “Negro” because that is and always has been exclusively an American term. There are no “Negroes” in Africa.
I can show you Hawaiian birth certificates with “races” such as Portuguese, Spanish, Korean and Japanese. I can show you a Hawaiian birth certificate with both :white” and “Caucasian” ON THE SAME CERTIFICATE. I can even show you a Hawaiian birth certificate with the race “American.”
This birther argument is completely vacuous.
Number 3: There are not “too many” layers on the birth certificate. There are the completely ordinary number of layers that would have been ordinarily created by a Xerox WorkCentre 7566 scanner of the same sort we know is in current use in the West Wing. This is a result of MRC optimization, something performed automatically by the Xerox when a document is scanned to email using the default settings.
Number 4: There are not multiple typewriter fonts on the birth certificate. There is simply distortion caused by ordinary “generation loss” as seen in any typed document that has been through multiple copying episodes. The amateur birther “analysts” who claim multiple fonts have never actually been able to identify what fonts were used, because even they know the images are too distorted to do the comparisons they pretend. You can find a very detailed debunking of the alleged “typewriter font evidence” here:
Number 5: Obama’s father gave different ages on several different documents over the course of his US stay. The age on the birth certificate is just one of them. It is therefore no evidence of forgery.
Number 6: Birther blogger Nellie Ristvedt (Butterdezillion) has discovered and published other Hawaiian birth certificates that also show the “TXE” anomaly, proving that it is a genuine “bad” stamp that belongs to the Hawaii Department of Health. It is therefore actually evidence of authenticity rather than forgery.
Number 7: The claims regarding “typewriter galleys” are all amateurish hand-waiving. An identical analysis performed on any unrelated typed document from that era shows all of the same variations of letter spacing and alignment found on the President’s, and all other birth certificates from that era. The birther argument here gets the reality exactly backwards. Only computers should be expected to have perfect alignment and spacing. Mechanical manual typewriters never achieved anything close.
See the SCRIBD document linked above for examples.
Number 8: The “problems” you cite regarding “Gray scale” and different resolutions are not problems at all. They are the ordinary results of scanning an ordinary paper original on a Xerox WorkCentre 7566 scanner. These too are the results of MRC optimization performed automatically by the Xerox when a document is scanned to email using the default settings.
Number 9: The draft registration form (like the birth certificate) has been declared absolutely authentic on more than one occasion by the only legal authority of the planet qualified to so declare. It was also released directly to birthers from the Selective Service during the Bush administration. It says nothing whatsoever about California.
Number 10: While they are rare, several other examples of two digit postage cancellation stamps on authentic documents and letters have been found and published. They can therefore not be considered evidence of forgery.
Number 11: Nobody named “Harrison Bounel” has ever existed. The SSA has testified in court that nobody named “Harrison Bounel” has ever been issued an SSN.
Number 12: The DLN on the President’s draft registration is identical to those of others from that same time. You have garbled the meme regarding the slightly different DLN that was included on an associated computer printout. As the Selective Service has testified, the number was augmented in their computers in 1999 as part of their Y2K conversion.
Number 13: There is no “thank you” card from 2007. There is only the copy of his draft card obtained illegally by Gregory Hollister in 2007 when he committed an act of identity theft, changed the President’s address in the system to his own, and then requested a card be reissued.
You appear to have an encyclopedic knowledge of birther memes. Too bad you do not also have the critical thinking skills necessary to determine whether or not they are actually true. In classic conspiracy theorist style, your post turned out to be the functional equivalent of being stoned to death with popcorn.
One can only ponder the level of visceral, irrational hatred that inspires the wholesale embrace of so many easily disproved falsehoods.
Nice try, but you fail to recognize the term negro and black were the only two words per the manual used for proper nomenclature, and yes the Cold Case Posse has a copy. No, African was NOT used in the Hawaii DOH for race in 1961 and is a cold hard fact and has been verified. African might have been OK for Kenya, but not the Hawaii DOH and the proper nomenclature. The Sheriff’s Office has proof, African was NOT used in the race box. If it were it would have been corrected in a specific manor. I’ve never heard of this Frank character you use as an expert but Vogt and Irei are not the two forensic experts used. The forensic expert used is recognized as a document forensic expert used in the court room.
As I said numerous Adobe and forensic experts have studies this fake document and declared it a complete abject failure as an honest CLB. The birth certificate does not exist and neither Obama nor his attorney ask for a copy of the original because he does not have one there. Further, there are no photos of a pregnant Stanley Ann Dunham/ Obama or any obstetric records at any hospital. Now of course, Obama said in Dreams or one of the books authored by Bill Aires that he was born at Queens Medical and then he said he was born at Kapiolani. “Which is it?” “Do you know?” Further, test after test was performed to try and replicate the PDF Obama displayed with copy machines and could not replicate the wealth of blatant false manufacture that is in evidence on Obama’s counterfeit PDF CLB. It only exists in cyberspace.
There are more than one font, the galleys are still out of alignment, there is TXE in a block for Onaka’s sig. box that is a stamp and exists only on Obama’s forged CLB. The numeric edition of the CLB is odd, there are still too many layers and the OCR from the copy machine has been debunked and a non starter by experts in the field. There is the DPI problem and there still is a misalignment of the green safety paper.
The draft registration card uses the social that had belonged to a man named Harrison Bounel who the IRS said was living at the Obama Chicago address although he’s been dead many years. Al Hendershot found that through a proprietary database available to only licensed investigators and police. Hendershot was looking for a connection to Michelle or Michael as Barack calls her/him when he found the social connected to s deceased Harrison Bounel. Obama also failed an E’Verify check so that is further proof his social security number is bad. BTW/ Obama has tendered many social security numbers as investigators have found. The 80 on the Bates stamp registration card is also a font. The lower part of the 8 is actually slightly larger than the top part of the 8 and that is just one reason why forensic experts say the 80 was cut from a 2008 Bate stamp and reversed leaving off what should have been a 1980.
There is no argument about the draft card forgery. I have a copy of the “thank you” letter from the selective service system and all the pertinent data sitting on my desk in front of me. The DLN number has a date of May, 2007. Not possible if signed that forgery in 1980.
The draft card is a really bad forgery. You can try to deny the irrefutable facts but remember, Obama wanted nothing to do with the military. He hung out with Marxists and other anti American types like Frank Marshal Davis.
Natural born citizen also requires two citizen parents to make a natural born citizen as a matter of common law as explained by Chief Justice Morrison Waite in his Minor vs Happersett decision. Obama does not meet that test either.
Of course, you will defend the lies and liar Obama has proven to be as in the examples, Keep your doctor, keep your plan, you will have 5 days to review every bill before I sign it to law, I will have all health care hearings on CSPAN, because some black women walked across a bridge in Selma Ala in 1965, Barack Obama was born in 1961!blah blah blah. See the lie here-http://youtu.be/95KC7CF5B9E
Lets review the new falsehoods you have introduced with this new post:
1. There was not and never has been a “manual for prescribed nomenclature.” So the rest of your argument from that point is pure fiction.
2. It does not matter what opinion any “Adobe expert” might have, because the document and the resulting PDF was never touched by any Adobe product. As to “forensic experts” the Posse has never engaged a single individual with any recognized credentials at all in digital document forensics. This includes Reed Hayes who is an expert on handwriting, but has no experience or training in digital documents.
3. I have already linked you to the actual request made by the President’s lawyer. You are objectively and factually wrong to assert that ” neither Obama nor his attorney ask for a copy of the original.”
4. Do not confuse the fact that you have personally never seen a photograph of a pregnant Stanley Ann Obama with evidence that no such pictures exist or that she was never pregnant. There are billions of people who have been pregnant and for whom you have never seen photographs.
5. You obviously have no way of knowing that no hospital has obstetric records for Obama’s mother. It would be a violation of HIPAA laws for any hospital to say so one way or the other. Perhaps you should be a little more shy about just making stuff up.
6. There is no evidence that Bill Ayers had anything to do with any book authored by Obama. The book in question was already in galley proofs at the publishers before Obama and Ayers even met for the first time.
7. No one in a position to actually know has ever claimed any hospital other than Kapi’olani as Obama’s place of birth. Queens Hospital is never mentioned once in any book that Obama authored.
8. I have personally replicated all of the alleged “digital anomalies” in the online PDF as have several other analysts by using a simple three step workflow. The failure of the Posse’s amateur “experts” to accomplish the same thing is an indictment of their competence, not the PDF.
9. You claim that there are “more than one font.” Okay, I challenge you to name them. Because the fake “experts” used by Zullo (and yes, they absolutely WERE Irey and Vogt) were unable to do so.
10. It is annoying to have to repeat myself simply because you never read my last response, but I will do so out of an abundance of generosity. Birther blogger Nellie Ristvedt (Butterdezillion) has discovered and published other Hawaiian birth certificates that also show the “TXE” anomaly, proving that it is a genuine “bad” stamp that belongs to the Hawaii Department of Health. It is therefore actually evidence of authenticity rather than forgery.
11. OCR is a straw man. No anti-birther is suggesting that OCR had anything to do with.
12. There is no “misalignment” of the security paper. There are only birthers who don’t know what security paper is or how it is used.
13. There not “too many” layers in the PDF. In point of fact, in the first Cold Case Posse press conference Zullo explicitly claimed that there were NOT ENOUGH layers. Like I said before, you have a very poor command of the detail of the memes you are trying to defend.
14. You have been misinformed regarding Harrison J. Bounel. He never existed, and your claim that “the IRS said was living at the Obama Chicago address although he’s been dead many years” is complete fiction.
15. The “proprietary databases” to which Al Hendershot has access are “skip trace” databases. They are designed to be deliberately sloppy and make large numbers of weak associations. That they contain bad information is their single most prominent characteristic.
16. Obama’s SSN has never “failed e-Verify.” Linda Jordan failed e-Verift when she illegally impersonated Obama and tried to use the Self Check system. She was unable to answer the questions correctly, so the system caught her.
17. The “8” in the postage cancellation stamp is not upside down. Birthers make the claim, but only try to eyeball it. When the number is actually objectively measured no such difference in size can be shown to actually exist.
18. I have no idea what you claim to have in front of you, but the Selective Service does not send out “thank you” letters. But whatever it is, they also have no problem sending out letters that can have any date, even years after the registration took place. I also note that you are garbling another birther meme. The meme claims (falsely) that Obama registered in 2008, not 2007.
19. DLN numbers do not have dates.
20. The Selective Service has declare Obama’s registration authentic and on time. They first did so during the Bush administration. Their’s is the only opinion that legally matters.
21. There does not and has never existed any US law, statute, rule, regulation, court decision or Constitutional provision that requires citizen parents to be a natural born citizen. The US Supreme Court has declared otherwise, and that declaration has been cited as precedent by more than two dozen subsequent court cases, all of which have explicitly rejected the “two citizen parent” rule, and declared Obama to be a natural born US citizen.
22. Minor v. Happerset provides no exclusive definition for NBC, and in fact explicitly declines to do so.
23. US v. Wong Kim Ark, on the other hand, does.
24. Obamacare has nothing to do with Presidential eligibility. I decline to chase your red herring.
I know you disagree with all of this. But if you were right, birthers would not have lost more than 250 court cases, and you would not still be waiting 3 and half years for a Cold Case Posse revelation that you know by now will never happen.
“Obama’s SSN has never “failed e-Verify.” Linda Jordan failed e-Verift when she illegally impersonated Obama and tried to use the Self Check system. She was unable to answer the questions correctly, so the system caught her.”
I wonder if anybody making that false “failed E-Verify” claim even has any idea how the E-Verify system is used. One either has to be an employer registered to use the system, and use the system ONLY to verify the status of an employee who has submitted an I-9 to that employer; or an individual using the Self-check feature to verify one’s OWN status.
In order to use the system, an employer must have had access to the employee’s current identity and employment eligibility documents (or a current document that serves as both, like a US passport). The document numbers and, if applicable, expiration dates, must be entered when creating an E-Verify case. You simply cannot use the employer E-Verify system with just a social security number.
In completing the form I-9, the employer must have signed the following certification:
“I attest, under penalty of perjury, that (1) I have examined the document(s) presented by the above-named employee, (2) the above-listed documents appear to be genuine and to relate to the employee named, and (3) to the best of my knowledge the employee is authorized to work in the United States.”
According to the E-Verify User Manual for Employers, “All E-Verify users must follow the guidelines specified in the ‘Rules and Responsibilities Overview”—
“Employers who participate in E-Verify MUST:
Follow E-Verify procedures for each newly hired employee while enrolled and
participating in E-Verify.
Notify each job applicant of E-Verify participation.
Clearly display the ‘Notice of E-Verify Participation’ and the ‘Right to Work’
posters in English and Spanish and may also display the posters in other
languages provided by DHS.
Complete Form I-9 for each newly hired employee before creating a case in
Obtain a Social Security number (SSN) from each newly hired employee on
Form I-9.
Ensure that Form I-9 ‘List B’ identity documents have a photo (Section 2.1).
Create a case for each newly hired employee no later than the third business
day after he or she starts work for pay.
Provide each employee with notice of and the opportunity to contest a
Tentative Nonconfirmation (TNC).
Ensure that all personally identifiable information is safeguarded.”
According to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which MUST be signed by every enrolled employer,
“The Employer agrees that it will use the information it receives from E-Verify only to confirm the employment eligibility of employees as authorized by this MOU. The Employer agrees that it will safeguard this information, and means of access to it (such as PINS and passwords), to ensure that it is not used for any other purpose and as necessary to protect its confidentiality, including ensuring that it is not disseminated to any person other than employees of the Employer who are authorized to perform the Employer’s responsibilities under this MOU, except for such dissemination as may be authorized in advance by SSA or DHS for legitimate purposes”
“The Employer acknowledges that the information it receives from SSA is governed by the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. § 552a(i)(1) and (3)) and the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1306(a)). Any person who obtains this information under false pretenses or uses it for any purpose other than as provided for in this MOU may be subject to criminal penalties”
“The Employer understands that if it uses E-Verify procedures for any purpose other than as authorized by this MOU, the Employer may be subject to appropriate legal action and termination of its participation in E-Verify according to this MOU.”
In order to use the Self Check service, one must of course be the party in question oneself. There is just absolutely NO WAY the E-Verify system can be used for birther purposes.
That is clearly false since she DID use it and it submitted a legitimate reply to her inquiry. It did not tell her that she had insufficient information or mysteriously was not qualified to submit an inquiry. It ANSWERED her inquiry and in a bad way for Obama. His SS number did not produce a correlation to his name.
I’m sorry, Adrien, but I was referring to actual conditions here on my own home planet, Earth. I have no idea how things are wherever it is that you’re from.
Golly Gee!!! You are such a witty person! Did you take lessons from the Luciferian Saul Alinsky? -cause you seem to be a huge disciple of that Marxist traitor. Like him you obfuscate and hide from the facts when they are all against you and your lies.
Adrien, I posted information obtained directly from DHS’s online information and manuals for the E-Verify system. You can call that “clearly false” if you want to, but it’s just because YOU “obfuscate and hide from the facts when they are all against you and your lies.” Unlike you, I don’t just make stuff up and call it established fact.
I, Linda Jordan am over 18 years old, do not suffer from any mental impairment, have personal knowledge of the facts listed below and declare under penalty of perjury:
I used the government run E-Verify System to verify the employment eligibility of Barack H. Obama, and it revealed a “Notice of Mismatch” between Obama’s name, birth date ad Social Security Number (SSN), compared to the information the Social Security Administration has on file.
Between October 2008 and May2011, I submitted several questions to agencies and people with the legal responsibility and authority to investigate the use of forged documents and election fraud, concerting Obama’s birth records and SSN
To date no one with the legal responsibility and authority has responded to any of my requests.
On August 17, 2011, I…entered the name of Barack H. Obama [in the Self-Service option], birth date August 4, 1961 and SSN 042-68-4425/ This data was entered correctly.
The report I got back from the SSA included a “Notice of Mismatch with Social Security Administration (SSA) records.” (attachment B) signed: Linda Jordan Aug. 21, 2011 Notary signature J.B. Pritchett State of Washington
The Self Check response listed five possible problems with this one checked as the problem: SSA record does not verify, Other reason, SSA found a discrepancy in the record.
Further research revealed that the SSA adds “Special Indicator codes” to identify Social Security Numbers that individuals obtained fraudulently. …there were 9 special indicator codes as of November 2008: 1. False Identity 2. Non-citizen Not in Status 3. Multiple SSNs with Different Identities 4. Scrambled Earnings with New SSN Assigned 5. SSN Obtained Using Fraudulent Documentation 6. SSN Assignment Based on Harassment/Abuse/Life Endangerment 7. Fictitious Identity 8 Fraud –OIG Investigated 9. Fraud SSN Misuse
Seven of the codes have to do with some sort of fraud. WND’s phone calls to USCIS went unanswered.
In EXHIBIT 3 in the WND post, U.S. Air Force Col. Gregory Hollister, retired, has obtained from the SSA verification that the Social Security Number currently being used by Barack Obama is a number that was never issued to Obama. It “failed” the verification process.
Now, do you really think there is no smoke there? there is lots of smoke.
Yeah, there’s smoke there. It’s the smoke of Linda Jordan INCRIMINATING herself. Of all the dumb things birthers have done, that one just about takes the cake. How about you read the Self-Check service’s terms of use?
You pathetic deflecting jackass. Who cares about her and her self-incrimination? She is irrelevant. All that matters is what the SSA system spit out. It delegitimizes Obama in a huge way simply by not validating his name in connection to his SSN. That supports the assumption that he borrowed some deceased persons number.
What the “SSA system spit out” was that such inept attempts to fraudulently use the system will FAIL. No other assumption is supported by the facts. Yours certainly isn’t.
“Inept”?? You answer is inept! “Attempt”?? You answer is an attempt at maximum deflection away from the issue of the official response of the federal system.
It is impossible to obtain a legitimate response if your “attempt” to use the system failed.
There was no failure except in your treasonous and pathetic failure to distract away from Obama’s failure to be verified by the system that actually knows what its doing.
You, on the other hand, think you know what you’re doing but you are failing at it badly.
Are you high?
> His SS number did not produce a correlation to his name.
Did you see the E-Verify result? Neither “never issued” nor “does not match” nor “unable to confirm US citizenship” were checked, proving that the SSN exists and is/was assigned to Obama, a US citizen.
The only thing that was checked was “other discrepancy in the record”, likely referring to the fact Obama got a new SSN after his old one was plastered all over the internet by birthers.
That seems like a legitimate possibility, but unfortunately it is not the only one. Another is that it was attached to another name in the distant past and that discrepancy was never corrected nor eliminated but was allowed to continue for decades perhaps, -as is suspected based on the Connecticut prefix and the association with another name in the record, -one having the same address as Obama.
So you agree that the E-Verify result does not *prove* that Obama is using somebody else’s SSN. That’s all I wanted to hear. 🙂
The problem is birthers love to jump to conclusions when it fits their confirmation bias.
> and the association with another name in the record
What are you referring to?
“I can even show you a Hawaiian birth certificate with the race “American.””
On my own birth certificate, the race of my parents is listed as “American White.”
I linked to your article from Birtherreport. Well done. There is an obvious pattern that people who assisted Barry with his identity fraud are rewarded. John Brennan becomes NSC chairman then CIA director after his company tampered with Obama’s passport records. Linda Lingle declares her health director has seen the BC in the vault, and she gets a cushy job at the University of Chicago. Savannah Guthrie rises from little known reporter to network anchor after playing shill to Hussein’s phony release. Meanwhile a real reporter like Sharyl Atkisson is hounded off her network and Breitbart is killed.
All of these people were already successful. What is suspicious about them continuing to be successful?
> a real reporter like Sharyl Atkisson
The one who thought her stuck backspace key was a “hacking attempt”? *lol*
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