By Alan Jones and Mary Fanning | June 16, 2020
Infant Barack Hussein Obama and his mother Stanley Ann Dunham resided at what is now the gateway to CHAZ, also known as CHOP, the so-called Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone that heavily-armed Marxist militants seized in the wake of George Floyd’s death.
Baby Barack Hussein Obama and his mother lived at 516 13th Avenue East, Capitol Hill, Seattle from August 1961 to June 1962. Obama’s former address is located at the north side of the CHAZ 13th Avenue East “border” checkpoints.

Communist revolutionaries claim to have established CHAZ as their own sovereign territory. The revolutionaries claim that the eight-block swath of Seattle has seceded from the United States and become an independent nation-state.
The communist revolutionaries have established a border, complete with border checkpoints manned by armed guards. Ironically, no “illegal immigrants” are allowed entry into CHAZ.

Barack Hussein Obama was born on August 4, 1961, according to a copy of his long form Hawaii Certificate of Live Birth provided by late Hawaii Director of Health Loretta Fuddy, a.k.a. Deliana Antone, to President Obama’s personal attorney Judith Corley. Corley is a partner at Seattle-based Perkins Coie. Fuddy was purportedly killed in a plane crash on December 11, 2013.
“Perkins Coie is representing Black Lives Matter in a new lawsuit against the City of Seattle, accusing local police officers of using “unconstitutional” force during recent protests,” Bloomberg Law reported.
The political symbolism of a Marxist revolution taking place in a major U.S. city, particularly in Barack Obama and his mother Stanley Ann Dunham’s old stomping grounds, cannot be understated.
Perhaps these delusional communist revolutionaries envision CHAS as both a Marxist utopia and a symbolic communist pilgrimage destination — you know, the sacred ground where fellow revolutionaries can fawn over one of the American Messiah’s earliest known addresses and pay homage to the insurrection’s communist revolutionary leader — “the man who calls himself Barack Hussein Obama.”
Obama, the very same man who proclaimed during a June 8, 2008 New Hampshire campaign speech that his presidency would be “the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet to heal.” Obama somehow forgot to mention that his presidency would include dividing the American people and burning down their country.
CHAZ is the communist vision of an inside out and upside down reverse-engineering of Bethlehem. Saul Alinsky would be busting his buttons. After all, Alinsky dedicated his book Rules For Radicals to ”the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
At a CHAZ border checkpoint at the corner of 13th Avenue and East Pine Street, 3,000 feet south of baby Obama’s old address, one of the armed guards said he was carrying a Desert Eagle .50 Action Express semiautomatic handgun. No complaints, however, have been made by the corrupt mainstream media about that gun.

Baby Obama’s Seattle Address Confirmed By 1960s Official Records; Dunham Attended ‘Little Red Schoolhouse’ In Seattle Suburb With Iona Stenhouse, Daughter of John Stenhouse
The Polk Directory, a 1960s phone book, and Dunham’s University of Washington transcript also confirm Dunham’s address as 516 13th Avenue East in Capitol Hill, Seattle.

Madeline and Stanley Dunham and John Stenhouse enrolled their daughters at Mercer Island High, also known as “The Little Red Schoolhouse” because of its communist connections. At Mercer Island High, a curriculum built around communist indoctrination was the norm.

Dunham’s long-time friend Iona Stenhouse, told of her time together with Dunham at Mercer Island High’s Little Red Schoolhouse. Iona Stenhouse was the gatekeeper at the University of Washington’s Human Resources department.
Iona’s father John Stenhouse had been called before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) where he testified on March 19, 1955 about his subversive communist activities.
“During the war some 10 years ago I was a member of the Communist Party in this country,” Stenhouse testified.
Seattle has long been infested with communists. Stenhouse, like the Soviet spy ring leader Nathan Gregory Silvermaster, arrived in Seattle by way of China.
Silvermaster, born into a Jewish family in Russia (present-day Ukraine), relocated to China, and then to Seattle in 1949. Silvermaster, like Stenhouse, also moved on to Washington D.C. where he too obtained a high-level job inside the federal government.
John Stenhouse was born in Chungking, China before entering the United States in his twenties and moving to Seattle.
Like Stanley Ann Dunham, Silvermaster attended the University of Washington.
SUBUD And The Silvermaster Soviet Spy Ring
In a 2015 exposé titled CLUES UNLOCK OBAMA I.D. MYSTERY: FBI Soviet Spy Files, SUBUD Cult, And A Dead Body, The American Report uncovered Barack Obama and Loretta Fuddy’s deep connections to the Silvermaster Soviet Spy Ring, including Fuddy’s SUBUD associates Victor Margolin and Sol Sender who were integral to Obama’s 2008 campaign.

The Seattle Times reported in an April 8, 2008 article titled “Obama’s mother known here as ‘uncommon’”:
“She had a really ironic sense of humor, sort of downbeat and she was a great observer,” said Iona Stenhouse, of Seattle, a former classmate. “There was an arched eyebrow, or a smile on her face about the immaturity of us all. I felt at times that Stanley thought we were a bit of a provincial group.
Supposedly, Dunham briefly attended the University of Hawaii before enrolling at the University of Washington and moving into an apartment in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood with newborn infant Barack Obama.
Stanley Ann Dunham was enrolled at the University of Washington by August 19, 1961, just two short weeks after Barack Obama was born.
Charlette LeFevre of “The Charlette Report” also confirmed Stanley Ann Dunham’s address when she reported it in the on September 16, 2016:
Back in 2008, Seattle Times Jonathan Martin had interviewed the classmates of Stanley Ann Dunham, Barack Obama’s mother, and discovered she had once lived on Capitol Hill as a student with a baby – Barack Obama. I would later discover the exact address on Capitol Hill here in Seattle where a Mrs. Anna Obama lived while attending the University of Washington. A small listing in an old yellowed directory, a single address bears testimony that a young single mother lived at 516 13th Ave E. on Capitol Hill Seattle from Aug. 1961 to June 1962.
It is well-established that Stanley Ann Dunham and her child once lived at the gateway to the now-forsaken communist territory of CHAZ.
Stanley Ann Dunham and Loretta Fuddy were friends from their days in Hawaii. Fuddy’s mother worked with Stanley Ann Dunham’s mother Madelyn Dunham. Both Loretta Fuddy and Stanley Ann Dunham went on to join the SUBUD cult, where Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson is the secret, sacred book of SUBUD, according to John Godolphin Bennett.
Stanley Ann Dunham and young Obama moved to Indonesia in 1967.
Loretta Fuddy, a.k.a. Deliana Antone was the former director of SUBUD USA that was originally headquartered in Seattle.
Fuddy was the Hawaii Director of Health who produced a copy of Barack Obama’s alleged Long-Form Hawaii Certificate of Live Birth and co-published an academic paper at the University of Illinois Chicago. UIC is the same university where Bill Ayers reigned, with Soviet propaganda expert Victor Margolin, worked for thirty years. Both Ayers and Margolin maintained deep ties to Fidel Castro’s Cuban communist regime. Margolin also taught in Havana.
Obama’s Occidental College Classmate: Obama Was A Marxist Revolutionary
Barack Obama’s Occidental College classmate John Drew claims that Obama was a revolutionary Marxist.
Dr. John Drew says that he was the president of the Occidental College Marxist Club and knew Obama well. According to Dr. Drew, Obama was a Marxist revolutionary who was convinced that a communist revolution like those that had already taken place in Russia and China was inevitably coming to the United States.
Bill Ayers And Prairie Fires

That same vision is shared by domestic terrorist and fellow communist revolutionary Bill Ayers, the former leader of The Weathermen. During the Vietnam War, the Weather Underground Organization bombed the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon, and the State Department.
Ayers is a notorious Chicago radical. Obama attempted to publicly distance himself from Ayers by referring to him as “just some guy in the neighborhood” whom he barely knew, yet Obama and Ayers served together on multiple boards.
Ayers reportedly claimed on more than one occasion to have ghostwritten Barack Obama’s book Dreams from my Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.
The communist revolutionary Weather Underground Organization’s book “Prairie Fires,” by Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn (Ornstein), lays out the blueprint of what is now happening on the ground inside the occupied Seattle neighborhood now referred to as CHAZ.
According to Terry Turchie, former Deputy Director of the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division, the Weather Underground’s objectives in 1969 were to:

Larry Grathwohl was a former undercover FBI agent who infiltrated The Weather Underground. Grathwohl reported in his book Bringing Down America that Bill Ayers said that when he took over America he would relocate patriots who resisted the New World Order and incarcerate them in re-education camps.
Grathwohl stated in an interview:
They estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these re-education centers. And when I say eliminate I mean kill. Twenty-five million people. I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people, most of which have graduate degrees from Columbia and other well-known educational centers and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people. And they were dead serious.
CHAZ Revolutionaries Call For Beheadings
Back in Seattle one of the CHAZ/CHOPPED leaders called for “a new French Revolution” ….”Does anybody here know what happened to the people who did not get on board with the French Revolution?” “Chopped!” he menacingly yelled.
“Chopped!” his fellow communist revolutionaries replied.
“That is the message we need to send. We are serious! This is not a joke,” the CHAZ leader said.
In an ironic twist, the communist revolutionaries running CHAZ, which they have now renamed CHOP, are calling for the removal of heads.
Never before in America, have political activists called for the chopping off of the heads of other Americans. That act of barbarism was usually left to Middle Eastern jihadis such as ISIS terrorists. Barack Obama, according to U.S. Army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn (Ret.), former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, “willfully” armed those ISIS terrorists. Under Barack Obama’s presidency, a genocide of Christians swept the Middle East. Obama and the complicit media remained silent.
Frank Marshall Davis: Another Communist Connected to Barack Obama Who Spent Time In Seattle

Ann Dunham reportedly met Obama’s alleged father Barack Obama Senior in a Russian language class at the University of Hawaii.
Obama’s mentor Frank Marshall Davis was a well known Stalinist communist and self-admitted pedophile.
It has been reported that before Frank Marshall Davis moved to Hawaii in 1948, he spent time in Seattle.
Davis wrote for the communist newspaper the Honolulu Record. Honolulu Record publisher Koji Ariyoshi, who like Davis was a Communist Party member, met and worked with Chinese communist revolutionary Mao Zedong. Davis’ comrade and boss Ariyoshi was eventually arrested and charged with attempting to overthrow the United States government.
Davis invoked the Fifth amendment when he was called before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee because of his communist activities.

Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy of Media (AIM) wrote extensively about Barack Obama and Frank Marshall Davis. Kincaid obtained Davis’s 601 page FBI file in August of 2008 through a FOIA request. Davis’ FBI file revealed in extensive detail that Marshall was a high-level communist party member, CPUSA # 47544. Davis was observed photographing the geography of Hawaii’s coastline and believed to be a Soviet spy.

The FBI placed Davis on the bureau’s classified Security Index and maintained surveillance on Davis for nineteen years. The FBI assigned Davis its highest threat level designation under which FBI agents would arrest Davis in the event of an outbreak of hostilities between the United States and the Soviet Union.
Communist Revolutionaries And Psychopaths
In a poem called “To The Red Army,” Davis celebrated the Russian Revolution. Comrade Davis professed that the two men he most admired were none other than Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin.
The Obama White House also had an affinity for genocidal maniacs.
Obama’s White House Communications Director Anita Dunn told her audience while standing before a cross that Mao was one of her two most admired philosophers as she oddly licked her lips.
Anita Dunn was hired in 2019 to run Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign.
Chinese communist revolutionary Mao Zedong killed 80 million or more of his own people.
The Obama White House Christmas tree also paid homage to Chinese Communist Revolutionary Mao Zedong. Amazingly, the White House Christmas Tree was decorated with Mao ornaments.
Dunn’s husband, Perkins Coie partner Robert Bauer, was President Obama’s White House Counsel. These people are no strangers to Barack Hussein Obama.
Perkins Coie, representing the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, funneled money to Fusion GPS to pay for the fraudulent Steele Dossier that was central to the Trump Russian Collusion hoax and the coup d’état plot against candidate, and subsequently President Donald J. Trump. Former British intelligence MI6 agent Steele was known for his long-held Marxist sensibilities.
The Machiavellian Alinskyites believe that the ends justify the means. This was the very same justification espoused by Mao, Hitler, and Stalin.
Only bloodthirsty monsters would honor the likes of Mao, Hitler, and Stalin — monsters who among them murdered over 180 million people.
When people tell you that they want to kill you — believe them.
COPYRIGHT 2020 Mary Fanning and Alan Jones